Contacts Missing


New Member
Oct 17, 2011
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So after a day/night of randomly not getting any 3g/4g I went to bed hoping it would fix itself and that did. But when I wake up this morning all my contacts are missing, all my Facebook friends are still there but every other one is gone. I thought it backs up everything through my gmail but I can't find a way to get them back. I have my old phone if I really wanted to manually put in the numbers, but that would be a huge pain in the ass.
So after a day/night of randomly not getting any 3g/4g I went to bed hoping it would fix itself and that did. But when I wake up this morning all my contacts are missing, all my Facebook friends are still there but every other one is gone. I thought it backs up everything through my gmail but I can't find a way to get them back. I have my old phone if I really wanted to manually put in the numbers, but that would be a huge pain in the ass.

When you go to Menu/Settings/Accounts/ and tap the gmail account name, do you have Contacts checked?
Yeah everything is checked off.
So I imported all my contacts from my blackberry to a yahoo account, then exported it as a .csv to then in turn import to my gmail which syncs to my phone. Really curious to what happened over night to get rid of them, must have been a sync gone bad.