Contacts won't add on my Droid


New Member
May 29, 2010
Reaction score
I've got a weird glitch or something going on.

If I add someone to my contacts, they don't show up in my contacts.

However, if they call or text me they still show up. They are stored, I just can't find them under my contacts.

Another example is if I type in their name for a text, their name comes up as a suggestion when I begin to spell names.

Doesn't make sense... When I look at my contacts it's the same contacts I had 2 months ago. I have the Motorola Droid, I've began looking on these forums but I felt like making a thread also. Thanks.

If this is not the right part to put this on the forum, please move it to the right place. Thanks!
Check your sync and account settings. This usually happens when you arent syncing properly, or are adding the contact to the wrong account.
As far as I know, I only have one account and I have everything synced to one account.

Not sure what I should really check other than the "Accounts and Sync" part under settins.