

Dec 25, 2009
Reaction score
Maryland, USA
I have my facebook contacts set to sync. When I get a text message from someone that I am friends with on facebook who has their number on their facebook(and therefore in their contact info on my phone), it doesn't tell me that it is from them, it just says the number(and it's the same as their contact info). Anyway to make it auto recognize who it is?
i have this same problem, except i haven't synced my facebook and its only when i use handcet. does anyone know why this is? i really want to use handcet because its better than the default messenger, but if i cant tell who i'm texting its not worth it
Double check to make sure your facebook account's display options has "display all contacts" checked. Other than that, I have no clue.
Double check to make sure your facebook account's display options has "display all contacts" checked. Other than that, I have no clue.
Not really sure what you mean or how to do this. Elaborate please? Thanks.

Droidphoner...I am also using Handcent...
I don't use handcent so not sure if that's the root of the problem but for the setting i was referring to, go to contacts, menu, display options, and select your facebook acct. Make sure the box is checked to display all contacts.

After the 2.0.1 update mine was unchecked, along with some of the options in my gmail accounts too.
Try making sure each contact that you sync'ed has "Mobile" for the phone number, lots of the facebook syncs I had in the past defaulted the number to "Home" rather than "Mobile" which screws with text messaging apps
Try making sure each contact that you sync'ed has "Mobile" for the phone number, lots of the facebook syncs I had in the past defaulted the number to "Home" rather than "Mobile" which screws with text messaging apps
Yep, they are listed as mobiles.

It works with the stock messenger...Handcent is the problem.