Could A custom ROM cause explosion ?


New Member
Jan 3, 2016
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I have a xiaomi redmi note 4g with an unofficial version of CM 11 installed on it. I kept my phone to charge and after some time the charger exploded but the phone was fine. I saw the battery statistics graph after the explosion and observed that the graph had a weird curve. Instead of normal upward line it had several continuous upward and downward lines(like drawing of a hill).Is it possible that the custom ROM could have caused it.
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It's highly unlikely that software or firmware, (the ROM) could have caused the charger to do anything, much less explode. Hope there was no other damage....
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Thankfully I was not on my desk near which I had kept my phone. Thanks for the quick reply

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Was it the charger that came with the phone or was it a third party replacement?
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Welcome to the forum! Was there any type of overclocking/undervolting activated within the rom you were running?

S5 tap'n
It was a Samsung charger. I hadn't done any kind of overclocking etc.

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