Cracked Screen Fixed... Touch Unresponsive?


New Member
Jun 15, 2012
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My phone's screen cracked this past June and my friend fixed it for me after I ordered a replacement screen from HTC on Amazon following a Youtube video...this was late September.

In the midst of Black Friday shopping, the touch screen was suddenly unresponsive. After about half an hour, the touch was working fine...but was still unresponsive in certain areas (like my 'H' and 'Y' keys don't work). I restarted my phone and the touch was perfectly fine for about 10 minutes, then went back to being a butt.

Is there any way to fix this? I still have warranty on my phone...but I don't know if Verizon would cover it since I replaced the screen myself rather than sending it in. Anyone have any ideas? :/
Wow, the problems could be software related, they could be due to a connector inside that's loose, the display itself could be failing. There are a myriad of possibilities. As for warranty, if Verizon discovers the display was replaced they certainly won't repair it under warranty. Why didn't you claim it under warranty when it cracked in June? Didn't you have insurance on it then? If not, and you've since opened the case and replaced the screen...and THEN purchased a warranty it's been purchased under false pretenses. When you buy a warranty on something, you are attesting that it is in its original condition, and that you've done nothing to it that would void a warranty had there been one in place.

I can't advise you to submit it for warranty now considering it's both unwarrantable and has been tampered with. You may want to try a Factory Restore first and see if the screen acts "normally" after that, and if it continues to do so then you know it was likely software related.

Good luck! :biggrin:
I bought the warranty when I first bought the phone. Something similar happened with my laptop and the company wouldn't replace it despite warranty because it was under 'accidental damage'...I assumed the same for my phone. :( It was my own ignorance...haha...ha. Thanks for the tip! I'll edit this post later on whether or not that worked. :)
It depends on which warranty you purchased, but cracked screen is usually covered. Better to find out before you go jimmying the thing open and "tinkering" around inside.
My phone's screen cracked this past June and my friend fixed it for me after I ordered a replacement screen from HTC on Amazon following a Youtube video...this was late September.

In the midst of Black Friday shopping, the touch screen was suddenly unresponsive. After about half an hour, the touch was working fine...but was still unresponsive in certain areas (like my 'H' and 'Y' keys don't work). I restarted my phone and the touch was perfectly fine for about 10 minutes, then went back to being a butt.

Is there any way to fix this? I still have warranty on my phone...but I don't know if Verizon would cover it since I replaced the screen myself rather than sending it in. Anyone have any ideas? :/

I'm wondering if your friend used LOCA (Liquid Optical Clear Adhesive) to "glue" the new glass to the LCD/Digitizer. I've noticed a lot of posts all over the interwebs of this issue and many times it comes after a glass replacement. I read one post where the posters phone would "freeze" temporarily but go back to "normal' after a few seconds. I read a post after his that when the screen/glass actually touches the digitizer/LCD it'll cause it to go wonky. Possibly related?