Crazy Bluetooth tethering question

Bear in NM

Active Member
Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
I say crazy, because I have bluetooth tethering working, and I am not sure why or how it is working?

First, had a snow storm last night that knocked out the power for a good chunk of the day today. I decided to get my PDA wired usb tethering working on the new laptop (windows 7) for a backup. No issues, as I have been a long time PDAnet user (emergencies). Well I know zip about bluetooth, but decided to crash course myself, as I know pdanet has a Bluetooth DUN setting. Started goofing around with it, the connections, and I have bluetooth tethering working just fine. But the kicker is that I do not have to start the pdanet on the phone (bluetooth dun). All I have to do is start the bluetooth discoverability in network connections on the phone, then fire up the bluetooth on the laptop, tell it to connect to my Bionic and presto internet. So my question is what service or process am I running, as I do not have to even start PDAnet on the phone or PC?

I do have pdanet installed on the phone and PC, but I do not have to start either. Could it just be that the installation on both devices was enough? Am I using some other service that will be billed to me? It is NOT wireless hotspot on the phone, as when I start that I get the prompt and redirection to sign up for it. I know I could uninstall pdanet on either/both devices to test, but I am afraid to do so for possible lack of getting it working again.

Thanks for any insight.

It's possible that your computer automatically sees your phone as a modem and is tethering to it. I believe the only way you can get billed is if you activate the tethering service through VZW or if you don't have unlimited data and you go over.

I guess that is possible. I do get a dial-up box, and hit connect much like back in the dialup modem days. I am leaning towards something about the PDAnet installation has helped with this, but most of the threads I have seen are about folks not getting any tethering to work, or at least bluetooth only working with custom roms (back in my D1 days). I am still unlimited, that is what is concerning me, getting nailed by VZW and losing it. I am definately not worried about getting into the current top tier user category, as this would only be used as a backup. I guess being new to using bluetooth has me a bit befuddled. I ain't complaining, as I appear to have both usb and wireless working, I am just trying to understand. I did see something in the newest PDAnet about isp spoofing, but I guess I need to do more testing. I am digging this bluetooth, though.


I also have bluetooth tethering that does not use my pda net. I can get any website, nothing is blocked. It's set up as an access point. I don't remember where I got the instructions how to do it but it works great for a while then the phone reboots. When it comes back on the phone is locking up and acting as if all the memory is being used and it takes 20 minutes just to get to the bluetooth setting and shut it off. Does anyone have an idea why it would do that?