Cyanogen Mod adds AppOps, Privacy Guard Functionality to 10.2


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Oct 6, 2011
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Google added a new feature, AppsOps, to Android version 4.3. AppsOps allows for per permission-group revoking of permissions. It works just like Privacy Guard from CyanogenMod7. It works by returning an empty data set, but does not out right block the permissions. This helps to keep your data private. The functionality has been merged into CM10.2. You can single click on any app from PG to toggle on/off permissions for Locations, Reading Contacts, Reading Call Logs, Reading Calendar and SMS/MMS messages. Long pressing any app will show the current permissions settings, an advanced menu item gives you access to native appsops, notifications will appear when you use an app with permissions denied, you can enable Privacy Guard by default for all new app installs. Several other features on included. Head to the source link for more info.

Via CyanogenMod+