When consumers are looking for great deals on average consumer items, Black Friday is the day of choice, but when it comes to searching for great bargains in tech, the new best shopping day of the year might just be Cyber Monday. Just in case you didn't realize it, that is today. To that end, here's a round-up of several great mobile tech deals which you can find today. Happy shopping!
Amazon -
Verizon HTC One for a Penny On Contract
Moto X for a Penny On Contract
Motorola -
Moto X for Only $349 Off Contract (This one is taking a while to get going because Moto's servers were overloaded.)
Verizon -
White LG G2 for FREE On Contract
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 for $50 On Contract
Motorola Droid RAZR HD for FREE On Contract
Best Buy - (Best Buy has several deals. Here's the main link for all of them: Cyber Sale Cell Phones 114612 - Best Buy)
HTC One Max for $149 ($100 Off) On Contract with Sprint or Verizon
LG G2 for FREE on Sprint contract
Galaxy S3 FREE on contract
$150 Off the Galaxy S4 Mini Unlocked and Galaxy Mega 6.3 Unlocked
More Deals at link above.
AT&T -
Moto X for FREE On Contract
HTC One for FREE On Contract
T-Mobile -
LG G2, Galaxy S4, HTC One, Galaxy Note 3 for FREE On Contract
For folks who would like to check out Cyber Monday deals for Android Tablets instead of (or in addition too) phones, here's a link to our sister-site @AndroidTablets.net with the Android Tablet Cyber Monday round-up: http://www.androidtablets.net/forum...eals-android-tablets-round-up.html#post301086
There are probably several deals we missed out there, so feel free to add any you find to this thread!