Data cuts out


New Member
Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
I've been having a problem with my Droid lately. It seems like my data connection is very flaky, no matter what signal strength I'm getting. I notice it most when listening to Pandora. Songs will just stop, and then skip to the next song. If I try to browse the Internet or use another Internet enabled app, I will get error messages, usually along the lines of "Network Unavailable." It's not just Pandora though, it happens sometimes just using an Internet app, I'm just less likely to notice because it's not streaming.

I've tried both the Cyanogen ROM and Bugless Beast, and both have the issue, although Cyanogen seems to do it less. I tried updating my baseband with Pete's all-in-one updater, with no luck.

Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this?

Thanks in advance!