Data overseas not working


New Member
Jun 22, 2011
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So I bought an incredible 2 before going abroad since they said I could simply replace the SIM card and it would work. I got an unlock come from Verizon and a local SIM card. It still didn't work at first but then I changed it to GSM and was able to get text/calls, however the data still isn't working. I can connect to wi-fi. I called Verizon and they said it's not a phone issue but something with the local SIM card. Do I have to go in and get a new one or is there some sort of fix I can do?

yup that's been checked off. there used to be roaming beforehand but once i got the unlock code from verizon and had the new SIM in all roaming and roaming signs went away. (it used to say roaming on the phone and had the triangle above the service bars but all that is away now)
...a local SIM card...

When you say "a local SIM card," you do mean it was purchased in the same overseas location you are currently trying to use your phone + data, right? Or more specifically, it is a SIM card for a carrier who provides coverage where you are physically located? I think the answer to this is YES but I wanted to confirm. :)

Anyhoo, it sounds to me like you've done everything correct with Verizon to set this up. And because your SIM card is working for phone & text, and doesn't indicate you are roaming ... this tells me that your SIM card is set up properly and it is connecting to a carrier that is local to your current overseas location.

So probably the only thing missing is for you to call your SIM card provider and ask them to activate a data plan on your SIM card (and possibly having to wait 24 hours for it to take effect). Have you already done this?

If not, for some SIM cards, you can just send a text message to activate this, which is great if you don't speak the language well. And for all SIM cards, there are myriad data plans from which to pick. The best resource I've found for these kinds of dealings is the following page: National GSM Operators

Please keep us posted. I plan to travel to Italy (from the US) and will be in precisely the same boat, with precisely the same phone!

Good luck.
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You might need to set up the APN's correctly to get it to work properly. I am in japan with Softbank. I have tried using my Iphone sim card in the INC2 and I get results similar to you.

With my wife's phone I had to manually go into a file in the system and update the apn to get data to work on her phone (droid 2 global). I am waiting for root to do digging in the file system to see if I can fix the problem and actually use my INC2 while I am here. Hopefully me, or someone else can find something.
Yea that's exactly what I had to do. I got in contact with the local SIM provider, told them the data wasn't working, and he walked me through all the steps of creating an APN. Everything works fine now (albeit kind of slow but oh well)
I had to go to settings>wireless & networks> mobile networks>GSM/UMTS Options>Access Point Names

from there he told me all the info to put in, it'll be different for every carrier I believe so you'll have to get in touch with someone, or you could maybe try googling it