"Daydream" causes my Maxx to run hot


New Member
Jul 2, 2012
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I thought daydream was a screensaver; perhaps I'm mistaken. But I've tried it several times and my phone's battery charges, but runs hot. Within 30 minutes or so its up to between 100 and 104 and the phone is very warm to the touch.

I can't see the wallpaper and the moving display time and temp; I have to manually shut the screen down or change daydream back to active display. I'm not sure what the point of a screensaver is if you can't run it. I thought it was about being able to see your wallpaper and at the same time charge.

Is it my phone? Because I can't believe it, but I plugged my phone into the charger about 30 minutes ago and haven't used it until this post. And now its running hot. Well, maybe it's my phone but this is the first time its running hot.

This phone is less than 1 month old. Now, I'm totally confused. Sheesh! I apologize for my subject line since now I don't know if it's daydream or my phone , but I'm still curious about Daydream.
Hello.. Let's see if we can try to help you here..

How often do you shut off? Sometimes rebooting the phone will settle it down..

First, daydream.. Is like a wall paper but only works at certain times.. Like if the phones docked.. What are your settings set like?

Active display lights up a small part of your screen and gives you the time or notifications that you tell it to...(by selecting them in the setup portion of the app)

As far as the phone getting hot. The -g1 razrs do run warm.. Even the hd's and even the new Droids run a tad warm..

A g1 Maxx has an omap processor that would notoriously run warm/hot. There is a built in thermal shut down on all of the phones... So I wouldn't really worry yet.. 104 is nothing to these phones.. They're designed to sit in your windshield and sub for a gps unit...

Now.. To find out what is causing your processor to heat.. I'd download gsam battery monitor from the play store. It's free.. Let it run and the app sucked feature will tell you what's keeping your processor going.. (if it's anything out of the ordinary) as I said.. 104 is nothing to these devices.

Post your settings for Android dream and we'll see if we can help you out.. :)
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My settings for daydream are " dim at night" @ display at either docked or charging.

I reboot once a day, as I have with my other droids. I was trying to let it charge and play my sound machine at night until it started running hot. So lately I've just been powering down completely until morning.

Yep, I tried active display. Totally hate it. I wear glasses and if my phone is more than a couple of feet away ( yes, sometimes my phone is not connected to my hip) I can't differentiate between email, messages,etc. So, I installed an app called dynamic notifications. Come to think of it, I'm not sure if this was happening before installing that app. However, I've been running this app for the last couple of weeks and today was the first time it ran hot and I've been using my phone as I always do. So no changes.

I lived in San Diego before moving to Oregon and it got so hot my vehicle navigator would fall off during the really hot days. ( often wonder how the hell they keep their docks from falling off in the really hot States).

I downloaded Gsam at one point come up but can't remember why I stopped using it. I've been using battery Dr for a while. But with the last update: and seems to always say " battery draining" even when it's not. Maybe it's time to change.

It's good to hear that 104 isn't an issue. Maybe I'm comparing it to my body's temp and 104 ain't so good. :)

My previous phone, RAZR, started running hot temp and low battery right about 2 years .,. right before my verizon contract was ready to be renewed. Hmmmm :)
Oh, btw, I didn't say thanks for all your info ... and all your questions! Aye Caramba! ;-)
No problem.. Just trying to help you get to the bottom of this..

I'd Uninstall that app you were talking about, and see if it helps. :) good luck.
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Will do. "I'll be back" :)
thank you!

No problem.. Just trying to help you get to the bottom of this..

I'd Uninstaller that app you were talking about, and see if it helps. :) good luck.
No problem report back and let me know. :)
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Hi there, I installed my Battery Doctor app that I had before and installed GSam. it showed a particular live wallpaper as a huge battery sucker. changed wallpaper 2 one of the stock Android WPs. Ran Gsam again and everything looked fine. Very low percentage for all apps. Rebooted. Put my phone on the charger and since it didn't come up automatically to "daydream" or any of the other docking modes I manually when into settings, and selected daydream. Set phone down and waited 30 minutes. It went from 84 degrees 101 and very warm to the touch. had I let it stay any longer, it would have shut up to 104 and possibly higher like it did the other day.

I could have manually closed my screen and it would've run fine. But I don't see what the point would be to have daydream running if you have to close the screen so it doesn't run hot. So by default daydream keeps the screen open, which I thought it was supposed to do so you could see your wallpaper. I then deselected "daydream" and selected the "droid dream". Works fine, but now I'm back to the default active display that I didn't like in the first place because the icons are too small for me to see without having to put on my glasses. OH, and when I uninstalled the battery monitor I also uninstalled the "dynamic lnotifications" app that enables colors and larger fonts (just to make sure that wasn't an issue, as you suggested.) reinstalled it and docked my phone, selected "dynamic notifications" as my options in the settings/display, works great, doesn't run hot. Works just like active display,other than its icons are larger, rainbow of different colors and more options.

From the beginning, it wasn't super important to be able to see my wallpaper or have a little clock running up and down the screen. It was just one of those technical things that drives you crazy. Why is this not working and why cant i fix it? Where's my damn workaround? It's not like its rocket science or machine code. Sheesh! But it's okay, I must be content without having closure on this issue. I just have to learn to let go! LOL

I want to thank you for all your help. I may not be able to use daydream, but its always fun troubleshooting and I appreciate all your advice and suggestions. :)
Perhaps someone with more experience with daydream will have a solution... I streamline my devices.. So I don't use much, if any of that stuff..

But I'm glad you found a form of a solution.. Sorry I couldn't help more.. :)