Deactivate phone for 2 weeks for global travel


Apr 28, 2010
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Deactivate phone for 2 weeks for global travel (Verizon)


I'm going to be in Europe for a couple weeks, so I'm renting phone via the Verizon Global Travel program. Basically they send me a phone that will have connectivity over there, then I call to move my existing number to the new phone. When I get back, I move my number back and send them back the rental phone.

I've done this a few times without issue (though this is the first time since I got a Nexus). But this time the lady on the phone said something which confused me, so I figured I'd ask here. She said she's going to send me a new SIM card so that I can reactivate my Nexus on return. She said that since it's a 4G phone, once it's deactivated for 48 hours I won't be able to reactivate with the existing SIM card -- I'll have to put a new one in.

Does that make any sense at all?
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Why deactivate it at all? Would that mess with your contract (if you still have unlimited)? If it were me, I would just turn it off, pull the battery, & put it in a drawer for 14 days.
It's deactivated because my number is moved to the rental phone.
I just got back from Germany and did the same thing. My understanding was the global phone was 3g so once I activated my account back to 3g the 4g sim was no good.

They sent me a new 4g sim and I just called and reactivated when I got back.

All went well.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Ah, thanks bfayer. Glad to hear it went well. I don't understand why the SIM goes bad, but as long as the new one works I'm good. :)
Are either of you rooted?! Will deactivating your phone and getting a new sim card mess up a rooted Nexus? Will I need to bring my Nexus back to stock and then re-root when I return from overseas? I'll be traveling later this year and I had the same question.

My GNex is not rooted. So I can't help with that. I would not think it would matter one way or the other. When I called to activate the new sim all I had to do was give them the number and reboot my phone.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
There are apps like REDIRECT CALL for forwarding the call to your rented phone! That might work?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Droid Forums
Just be cautious that a custom rom on the Nexus might not activate the new sim. Happened to me. Had to stick the sim in a spare 4G phone to activate it.
Thanks for the replys. I would think a stock rom would be the same... Might have to look into renting a GMS phone for a few weeks - unless there are other ideas. :angry: