Dead...after 3 months.


New Member
Jan 11, 2012
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I thought I would share this.At the end of January I decided to search for a new phone. Having a Nexus One on AT&T, I was looking for something on Verizon as that would have better reception in my office. As for the Nexus One, it was a great phone, but when the decision not to upgrade it, by HTC/Google, to ICS and basically no further support was its downfall. Since the Google branded phones get updates first I decided to get the Galaxy Nexus.

As soon as I got it, it updated to ICS and I have been updated within a day or two of every update. It is fast and reception in my office was fair as I didn't have any with AT&T. I also tether my laptop to it as well and does fine.
This past Saturday, I was looking at an app on my phone and it just shuts off. Hmmm...I try to turn it back on nothing. I hold the button for what seems like a minute. Nothing. So I go plug it in thinking to myself, "didn't see the low battery indicator on but...". Nothing. Yanked the battery out, so on and so forth, nada. So off to Verizon I went.

First off, I hate the smug employees. I walk into the store and an employee asks me if he can assist me. I start talking and he interrupts me to say "oh you have to sign in over at the kiosk." What? So over I go, and start entering in the info and let me tell you something, want to get an attitude? Just interrupt somebody in mid sentence after you asked to help him, then send that person to a computer terminal that has the worst touch screen interface and have them try to type in info. Priceless. I had bought this at Best Buy, so I was not aware of the Verizon store model.

Finally they call my name, don't know why it took so long, there was like 10 people just standing around doing nothing. Did they have to draw straws or something?:icon_eek:
So this guy brings me over to the counter and then....asks for my phone number. I say "Umm...just spent 5 minutes over at that crappy terminal over there putting that info in there. You should already have that info." He says well its not connected to this network. I see already how this is going to turn out. :huh:
So...after telling him about my phone woes, he takes it, disappears and comes back 5-10 minutes later and says "yup ...its dead". Its covered under warranty and Vz will send you a new phone. Won't get it till Tuesday. We don't have any spare phones to lend you in the mean time. Here's your confirmation number, bye.:blink:

So, after 3 months into a 2 year contract, my GN bit the dust. I can hardly wait for the next 21 months. I actually have no real complaints about the service, I'm just hoping that the next phone will last me through the contract and that I never have to go into another Verizon store again for that...experience.:icon_rolleyes:
I should get my new phone this afternoon.
Verizon stores have always been good to me when I've needed to enter them for one reason or another.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
I thought I would share this.At the end of January I decided to search for a new phone. Having a Nexus One on AT&T, I was looking for something on Verizon as that would have better reception in my office. As for the Nexus One, it was a great phone, but when the decision not to upgrade it, by HTC/Google, to ICS and basically no further support was its downfall. Since the Google branded phones get updates first I decided to get the Galaxy Nexus.

As soon as I got it, it updated to ICS and I have been updated within a day or two of every update. It is fast and reception in my office was fair as I didn't have any with AT&T. I also tether my laptop to it as well and does fine.
This past Saturday, I was looking at an app on my phone and it just shuts off. Hmmm...I try to turn it back on nothing. I hold the button for what seems like a minute. Nothing. So I go plug it in thinking to myself, "didn't see the low battery indicator on but...". Nothing. Yanked the battery out, so on and so forth, nada. So off to Verizon I went.

First off, I hate the smug employees. I walk into the store and an employee asks me if he can assist me. I start talking and he interrupts me to say "oh you have to sign in over at the kiosk." What? So over I go, and start entering in the info and let me tell you something, want to get an attitude? Just interrupt somebody in mid sentence after you asked to help him, then send that person to a computer terminal that has the worst touch screen interface and have them try to type in info. Priceless. I had bought this at Best Buy, so I was not aware of the Verizon store model.

Finally they call my name, don't know why it took so long, there was like 10 people just standing around doing nothing. Did they have to draw straws or something?:icon_eek:
So this guy brings me over to the counter and then....asks for my phone number. I say "Umm...just spent 5 minutes over at that crappy terminal over there putting that info in there. You should already have that info." He says well its not connected to this network. I see already how this is going to turn out. :huh:
So...after telling him about my phone woes, he takes it, disappears and comes back 5-10 minutes later and says "yup ...its dead". Its covered under warranty and Vz will send you a new phone. Won't get it till Tuesday. We don't have any spare phones to lend you in the mean time. Here's your confirmation number, bye.:blink:

So, after 3 months into a 2 year contract, my GN bit the dust. I can hardly wait for the next 21 months. I actually have no real complaints about the service, I'm just hoping that the next phone will last me through the contract and that I never have to go into another Verizon store again for that...experience.:icon_rolleyes:
I should get my new phone this afternoon.
You bought a Samsung, did you really expect top notch build quality.

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums
ummm nexus 1 on at&t? and I've never heard of a verizon store handling a return after the 14days. they always say call cs and they will handle your claim. and you got it at a 3rd party vendor, best buy on top of that?

none of them story makes any sense to me. neither does the reply of samsungs feeling cheap so you should somehow expect them to stop working. no you either like the feel of the phone or you don't. I happen to like the light weight and how thin and curved it is, so when I put my case on it it's still not a heavy thick brick of a phone in my pocket. but that in no way means I've ever read anywhere that Samsung electronics side stop working. In fact this might be the first post I've read that wasn't software or drop related return. and it sounds fishy to me. I mean a nexus might be able to run on att edge network but I'm pretty sure t mobile 3g is a totally different band.
I mean you carries around a nexus 1 for 3 years in a network that doesn't work in your office with a phone that only accesses edge but somehow hearing that you won't get ics update makes you run out and get a 4g nexus on verizon under a capped data plan and you tether to it?

I don't get it... but good luck with your new phone. If you didn't get service with att edge in your office. I doubt your nexus would get anything in there either. even on verizon they are not great inside. even for 3g because it's different from the 3g only phones.
ummm nexus 1 on at&t? and I've never heard of a verizon store handling a return after the 14days. they always say call cs and they will handle your claim. and you got it at a 3rd party vendor, best buy on top of that?

none of them story makes any sense to me. neither does the reply of samsungs feeling cheap so you should somehow expect them to stop working. no you either like the feel of the phone or you don't. I happen to like the light weight and how thin and curved it is, so when I put my case on it it's still not a heavy thick brick of a phone in my pocket. but that in no way means I've ever read anywhere that Samsung electronics side stop working. In fact this might be the first post I've read that wasn't software or drop related return. and it sounds fishy to me. I mean a nexus might be able to run on att edge network but I'm pretty sure t mobile 3g is a totally different band.
I mean you carries around a nexus 1 for 3 years in a network that doesn't work in your office with a phone that only accesses edge but somehow hearing that you won't get ics update makes you run out and get a 4g nexus on verizon under a capped data plan and you tether to it?

I don't get it... but good luck with your new phone. If you didn't get service with att edge in your office. I doubt your nexus would get anything in there either. even on verizon they are not great inside. even for 3g because it's different from the 3g only phones. really need to re read my post. You got it all backwards. And your conspiracy theories are all wrong.
Let me just say one thing and you and maybe some other people might not know this but verizon has pulled any and all on site tech support from their stores and they actually won't be replacing phones in store nor really providing an in depth trouble shooting like the flextronics employees use too everything now goes through the 1-800 number and phones are sent usps first class mail not even fedex anymore unless you pay extra for the service.

For better or for worse this is the way verizon is going

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I have had Verizon deal with plenty returns outside of the 14-day return period. I think it all depends on the person you talk to or even the specific store you go to.

I bought my Nexus from Best Buy as well and it had issues, didn't hold a signal. Returned it to a Verizon store for a BNIB Nexus, but I was within my 14-day return period that time. I hope your new Nexus works out for you and doesn't die in 3 months. Ha ha.
Let me just say one thing and you and maybe some other people might not know this but verizon has pulled any and all on site tech support from their stores and they actually won't be replacing phones in store nor really providing an in depth trouble shooting like the flextronics employees use too everything now goes through the 1-800 number and phones are sent usps first class mail not even fedex anymore unless you pay extra for the service.

For better or for worse this is the way verizon is going

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Did not know that. I did check the "tracking" number in my email confirmation from Verizon on my phone replacement that I'm getting today and it says Fed Ex. So if this happens again, I guess it'll be USPS.:icon_eek:
I've been with VZW almost a year and I have to say I have had both good and bad experiences with CS. I had decent service when my wife and I signed up, the guy was friendly and fairly helpful. I had an X2 and about a few months it didn't work right and CS on the phone was awesome. Sent me out a replacement with little hassle; FEDEX too.

I went to a different store to get my GNex (added a line for a family member and they got my X2). The sales guy was great jumped through all the hoops needed and was totally cool (he was selling a new phone and contract so he should have been). I have to say though that if I had to deal with the guy in the next workstation over I would have walked out (he was very condescending to the people asking questions about their iPphones).

Subsequent stops in for various stores to get chargers etc have been hit or miss. Depends on the person you get I think... and the kiosk thing is really annoying especially when all you want it to buy a charger. I've make 4 calls to CS and all but one has been amazing and helpful. I was so frustrated with one lady that I got off the phone and called back; it was night and day difference with the next person.

For me the service (cell wise) is great; I get coverage in side buildings I never could on T-Mobile. I also get coverage in tons places that had none on TMO. If at all possible I will call CS before I go into a store. If I do get someone I don't like I just ask for someone else.
You just ended up getting a bad unit. As for your in-store experience, they seemed to have solved your problem. Hope the new Nexus lasts you the rest of your contract
If you bought it at Best Buy, you should've tried returning it there. They at least would've likely given you a loaner. I know that's no help now, but just for future reference...

Also @xDMONEYx - I'm surprised Verizon let you return a phone that you purchased at Best Buy, they normally don't.
Your in store experience is typical. Every time I have tried to get help at a store, I get so pissed off I either go online or call. They even downright lie to your face and tack on extra fees.

Look I hate Verizon employees as much as the next guy, but you seem like one of those people who wants to have a bad experience so they go in thinking it'll be bad.

As for the phone dying in 3 months, it's not surprising honestly. All phones can have bad units, they're mini-computers now. If anything happens to fail the phone isn't going to work. I've built a dozen PC's and sometimes the hard drive or the power supply they send you fails after a month or two, it happens with hardware.
You just ended up getting a bad unit. As for your in-store experience, they seemed to have solved your problem. Hope the new Nexus lasts you the rest of your contract
This is exactly how I felt word for word. Don't know what the guy with conspiracy theories was trying do or the "Ha ha" meant from the other guy.:icon_rolleyes:
This is exactly how I felt word for word. Don't know what the guy with conspiracy theories was trying do or the "Ha ha" meant from the other guy.:icon_rolleyes:
Haha. Yeah I've heard some horror stories of going into Verizon stores, but I personally never had one bad experience. I had to exchange my OG Droid 3 times and it was a smooth experience each time. Employees were helpful, attentive, and nice. Haven't went back for any problems since then, with my Inc and my Nexus. Just glad to hear your problem got solved and hope you enjoy the Nexus.