One of my users has an Incredible 2 and the screen died (touchscreen still works, it boots, etc.). Anyway, we got his replacement device, fired it up, punched in his Google account, and all his info starts syncing over, however when it completes we notice that several newer contacts are missing. The obvious solution would be to take it to a Verizon store and do a transfer, however the user is in California and I am in Ohio, so that's not going to work. On top of it, the nearest Verizon store is almost an hour away (the local VZW dealer won't do contacts unless you buy from them), so that makes it not worth a few missing contacts.
So what I'm looking for is a way to suck contacts off the phone without using the screen...I've found a few USB sync utilities but they all require phone interaction. I was hoping there was something else I could get that would do it.
Thanks in advance for any replies.
So what I'm looking for is a way to suck contacts off the phone without using the screen...I've found a few USB sync utilities but they all require phone interaction. I was hoping there was something else I could get that would do it.
Thanks in advance for any replies.