DroidForums.net is proud to announce the grand opening of DroidXforums.com - our newest sister site dedicated to the Motorola Droid X. Our goal with DroidForums.net is to offer a site that covers every Verizon Android phone available. Some people love this format... but there are others who want a site dedicated entirely to their device.
In the past, we've done this with great success. We have both a Droid Incredible section here, and also at IncredibleForum.com. Our goal is to offer choice to the member so they can decide what fits their needs the best.
With that in mind, we launched DroidXforums.com and it's just getting off the ground. If you think you might be interested in participating, we'd love to have you at both sites.
We look forward to continuing to provide you with the ultimate resource to learn everything there is to learn about Android and Verizon Wireless cell phones.
Be sure to check out DroidXforums.com if your interested in the Droid X.