Deleting Bloatware on Razr


Jan 16, 2010
Reaction score
Using the App Astro is was able to find what looks like the bloatware files located in the system folder in a sub folder called app. Using astro if i tap on the file and select "open App Manager" it gives me the option to uninstall. Does anyone know if deleting these files or uninstalling would work to get rid of the bloatware apps without any other problems?
Using the App Astro is was able to find what looks like the bloatware files located in the system folder in a sub folder called app. Using astro if i tap on the file and select "open App Manager" it gives me the option to uninstall. Does anyone know if deleting these files or uninstalling would work to get rid of the bloatware apps without any other problems?

Never uninstall anything...espically if you dont have a nandroid. I backed up via cwr then frooze apps via tb.

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