Found out by trial and error that I can delete my dup contacts by going one extra step. If I go to edit and then delete it works.
Thanks for the response. All my contacts were duplicated at least twice, also when the Best Buy person transferred contacts from my Palm Centro, the addresses did not transfer.
I ended up using this tedious process:
I deleted each contact individually.
Then I went to the Palm desktop and exported each contact as a Vcard, (*.vcf format).
Lastly I copied all my V cards to the SD card on my Droid, then went to "contacts" and imported all Vcards from the SD.
It all worked. I have names, e-mails, addresses, and notes.
Using Vcard is a good backup and can later be exported to other applications, like Outlook Express or the Palm desktop (if you still have one of those).
I've still been resisting the cloud, but I will probably give in and sync to Google like everyone else in the known universe.