DINC2-I'm permanently online on gtalk and don't want to be


New Member
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction score
I just got a droid incredible 2, and the phone reports to all my gtalk friends that I'm ALWAYS either online or away, never offline. I work for a university so this means my co-dependent faculty see me online at 9 pm and I end up getting pings from them on my phone while I'm inebriated. It's amazingly, incredibly, fanstastically annoying that I can't get my phone to report me offline to gtalk.
I've tried stopping ever google related service, turning off all syncs, everything and I can't get the d*mn thing to report me offline.
Did the programmers REALLY think that every droid user would want to be available for chat 24 hours a day? or am I missing something obvious?
I downloaded ebuddy in hopes that it would trump something, but when I tell ebuddy to report me offline, I can still see my phone as "available" when I login to a junk gtalk account to look.