disable music when headphones in


Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
When I plug speakers into my audio-out jack music automatically starts playing. I looked all over in settings and couldnt find how to turn this off. How do I disable this function? cm 6.1 rc 3
I'm having the same issue and can't seem to find this out either. In fact even when I pause the Music app after it auto starts and start my preferred music app the standard music app now and then will start playing again.

If I uninstall the default music app with Titanium Backup will it impact other 3rd party music players?

Appreciate any help.
I'm having the same issue and it is driving me crazy. I'll be listening to Pandora and if my headset jack gets bumped the default music app starts playing. I am using the shure headset for hands free and when I plug that in to make a call the default music app will play. It is driving me crazy. Hopefully, someone will chime in with an answer.
Add another to the list. This drives me crazy.

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It's some app you have on your phone

Once I found a friend didn't have the same issue, I knew it had to be something software related on my phone, so I started removing anything that might do it. In my case it was something called AudioGuru by Jupiter Apps. I couldn't find anyway to control this behavior in the app, but once I uninstalled the app, the behavior was gone. Now I can go for a run and not have the music player start up and fight with Pandora just because my headphones jiggled.