Displaying Contact Information on Lock Screen


New Member
Sep 17, 2011
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[h=2]I would like to display some contact information (e.g., my wife's phone number and/or my email address) on my lock screen so that if my phone is lost anyone who finds it will know how to reach me. Is there an easy/clean way to do this (other than by modifying the background image itself)?[/h]
If you get the Widget Locker app, it'll allow you to put a widget on the Lock Screen. Although you can't add the Quick Contact widget, there may be another widget that'll work.
I would like to display some contact information (e.g., my wife's phone number and/or my email address) on my lock screen so that if my phone is lost anyone who finds it will know how to reach me. Is there an easy/clean way to do this (other than by modifying the background image itself)?


I was looking for the same thing today and came across an app called Phone Found - Owner Info. It's pretty simple to set up and does what you want. There is also an option to set a personal message, which I wasn't able to get to work. Each time I clicked on the option, a text box would pop up for me to type into but the keyboard wouldn't show. The important part works though: displays name, phone number and/or email address.

Widget Locker -- good info., looks like a cool widget. I've downloaded it and will check it out.

Excellent info. re. "Phone Found - Owner Info." -- this is exactly what I'm looking for!

However, the user reviews indicate that it's fairly buggy, so I looked around at other similar apps and found one called "Contact Owner". That looks even better -- four stars and it's free. I'm going to check that one out first.

Thanks for your help!


I was looking for the same thing today and came across an app called Phone Found - Owner Info. It's pretty simple to set up and does what you want. There is also an option to set a personal message, which I wasn't able to get to work. Each time I clicked on the option, a text box would pop up for me to type into but the keyboard wouldn't show. The important part works though: displays name, phone number and/or email address.

Phone Found works on the Bionic. Works after a reboot, too.
I tried "Contact Owner" and it does what it says. However, a couple of minuses:
  1. It crashes some HTCs (not a problem for me since I have a Bionic, but obviously a problem for HTC owners) -- the developer is aware of the problem and is working on it.
  2. The output text kind of ruins the look-and-feel of my lockscreen -- it gets printed in a narrow column on the left side of my screen and pushes everything else down.
I'm going to play with WidgetLocker now -- I suspect it'll provide me with a really solid look-and-feel (and functionality as well) -- I'll just have to see if I can display contact info on it cleanly in some way.

I was just reading on another thread that widget locker was a huge battery drain.
Cancel Phone Found. Stops working periodically unless you manually boot it up. Trying Contact Owner now.
I'm having good luck with Contact Owner.

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Contact Owner is a winner

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I am just using the stock "in case of emergency"

It allows you to set up to three contacts and three note fields to show on the lock screen, after pressing a button. I think it is enough.

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Odd. I can't get Contact Owner or Phone Found to work at all.
Thanks, but I did that. It just never would display on the lock screen. Ever after a reboot.