(DIY) Built my own dock out of my OG droid dock


Dec 3, 2009
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See the pics below.

I had gotten one of those "desktop charger" stands for Christmas that you thread your cable through. Well, I still had my OG droid dock and thought "I wonder if I could figure out a way to mount this connector so that I can use it the same way I did the OG dock?"

So, I took apart my old dock, grabbed the connector and the metal square weight. I mounted the connector to the metal weight using adhesive, then took the bottom strip of "leather" from the new dock (since nobody would see that part anyway) and used that as a wrap around the metal weight to cover it and make it purrrty.

Connected the old USB cable to the new connector, ran it out the back of the new "dock" and then mounted the leather wrapped connector/weight to the new dock using more adhesive.

The results aren't astonishing, but they work.



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I took my OG dock apart and flipped the phone connector a half turn. Just have to clear a little plastic to get it to turn the other way. Then put it back together and the gnex sits in it just fine.
I took my OG dock apart and flipped the phone connector a half turn. Just have to clear a little plastic to get it to turn the other way. Then put it back together and the gnex sits in it just fine.

Yeah, that was my original idea, but with the case and extended battery it wouldn't sit down in the dock without using some force...
I have the extended battery and that works fine. Wouldn't work with a case, though.
Looks alot better than some of the DIYs I've seen in the past. Good work.