Do you want a MultiMedia Station Video Review?

Well, tough call. The dock is just a thing that keeps your phone upright, which allows you to extend a usb cable to the phone's power supply, while invoking the magentic-driven application.

If you have Dockrunner, you know what the multimedia mode looks like. And if you have a power supply, you can simulate what the dock does.

Sorry, I don't mean to crap on your thread, but there isn't anything multimedia about the dock, short of the application it launches, which can be launched with a third party app.
don't the images online and in the purchasing websites already show what it looks like?

it's pretty simple, IMO; it's just a stand, that lets you easily slide a charger in and out of your phone, that keeps it elevated and invokes the mm app. there isn't anything "special" about the mm dock...

however, for around $20 (after discount), it's lightyears better than the stands i've bought for other phones that do about the same thing. it's stylish, has a nice weight to it and the rubber strips on the bottom prevent it from moving.

i'd say, if you were to do one, to provide as many details as you can, like weight, images of the grips, fit of the phone, etc.

and to make it worth while, see if some of these other dock manufs would provide you with a sample to do a side-by-side. there's something i'd like to see.

get ahold of every dock you can find, including the lego and cardboard solutions, and write a blurb on each one. benefits, etc.

i think that will REALLY help people.
and to make it worth while, see if some of these other dock manufs would provide you with a sample to do a side-by-side. there's something i'd like to see.

get ahold of every dock you can find, including the lego and cardboard solutions, and write a blurb on each one. benefits, etc.

i think that will REALLY help people.


now you come up with good ideas. Ill do that one for sure as soon as i got my hands on other docks.

and to make it worth while, see if some of these other dock manufs would provide you with a sample to do a side-by-side. there's something i'd like to see.

get ahold of every dock you can find, including the lego and cardboard solutions, and write a blurb on each one. benefits, etc.

i think that will REALLY help people.


now you come up with good ideas. Ill do that one for sure as soon as i got my hands on other docks.

I'd be happy to donate a MIKRADLE for this if you are serious about it! Let me know! I'd say many would be interested in seeing one in your video - the response to my sales here have validated quite a bit of interest.

Nice idea for the folks who maay live in a box and not know about the dock yet. I love the dock and do agree that it's a great buy. I don't see the harm in posting a hint video out here.

Rintin, I was thinking of a graph with checkmarks of features people are interested in to help the side by side.

Does this one allow a case?
Come with charger?
Ease of use?
Special features?

Rintin, I was thinking of a graph with checkmarks of features people are interested in to help the side by side.

Does this one allow a case?
Come with charger?
Ease of use?
Special features?


Just leave that to me, i am already making up my mind.
You have to be fair on a side-by-side between a robot fabricated
plastic dock and a wooden cradle ;)

But if theres something special you want to see, just ask ;)
Rin..just like Nike says.."Just Do it" :)
dancedroidi have the motorola droid multimedia station, and its not the most amazing thing in the entire world, but it holds the phone upright, so you can use it as an alarm clock, and eeasily see the screen, and it charges. i think its a pretty sweet 20 dollar purchase.