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My mom got a text from me (on her old, "dumb" phone) that said "EMS" and being the overly protecting woman that she is she thought it meant "Emergency Medical Services" and she sent me one back saying "what does EMS mean?" when I never sent it to her in the first place, she tried to send it back but it was blank when I got it. I tried to send her one with a "foreign" character (an umlaut over an "a") and the text was blank when she got it, I couldnt recreate the EMS message though.
I found that their is a certain sequence of latin characters that I can send my mom or my girl that will cause their phones to reboot. Makes for some amusing times.
My mom got a text from me (on her old, "dumb" phone) that said "EMS" and being the overly protecting woman that she is she thought it meant "Emergency Medical Services" and she sent me one back saying "what does EMS mean?" when I never sent it to her in the first place, she tried to send it back but it was blank when I got it. I tried to send her one with a "foreign" character (an umlaut over an "a") and the text was blank when she got it, I couldnt recreate the EMS message though.
I just heard this from a friend the other day, I thought it may have been with her service. I also noticed recently that I've been getting duplicate texts every now and then, usually about the same time that they tell me I sent a weird message
I found that their is a certain sequence of latin characters that I can send my mom or my girl that will cause their phones to reboot. Makes for some amusing times.
I found that their is a certain sequence of latin characters that I can send my mom or my girl that will cause their phones to reboot. Makes for some amusing times.
Heh, I'm very interested to find out what that combination is as well
As far as the garbled messages go, the ones that I was told about the other day only had a comma and/or apostrophe, no other special characters.
When sending messages to an iPhone containing a "~", the "~" is simply dropped from the message. This has made for quite a bit of confusions trying to send certain URLs.
When sending messages to an iPhone containing a "—", they receive something very similar to what is shown in the original post.
I haven't really tested this to any phones other than the iPhone—I plan on doing so tonight—but there is no problem sending this to another Android device.
I'm using a Droid X, by the way.
Has anyone figured any of this out?
EDIT: Some iPhones simply reject messages containing "—".
EDIT2: The problem seems to be with ANY special character, including all accented characters. This is, indeed, an annoying an unacceptable problem.
I was able to crash my girl's lg env3. I had typed something not too appropriate to share here in Google Translate, then converted to Spanish, then I copied and pasted it into a message. I ended up spending an entire day learning about that stupid lg env3 and how to fix it (it would turn on, nut reboot after a random amount of time - never stayed on long enough to be usable. Finally flashed some new software onto the phone and got it working but it was a headache, quite literaly lol
I have this problem all of the time, mainly when sending to iPhone but not limited to iPhones. Many times ? (question marks) are added between every character I type. For example "this is a test" would read "?t?h?i?s???i?s???a???test?" Rarely do I use special characters when sending sms. Hope this helps with your debug.