Does Mobile Defense make your Droid less secure?


Feb 18, 2010
Reaction score
My Moto Droid has a set unlocking pattern. I can unlock the phone by using the pattern lock or the online Mobile Defense Command. If I use the phone to unlock it, it is only unlocked until the screen times out. If I use the Mobile Defense online command, it remains unlocked until I re-enable the automatic lock online and then the phone locks when the screen times out. This would seem less secure then the phone's built in security. Anyone can use the phone until I find out that I've lost it, go online, and reenable the lock pattern. It would have otherwise locked as soon as my screen timed out.
Secondly, with regards to the online lock feature, it doesn't lock the phone as soon as you enter the online command. It remains useable until the screen times out. It only enables the pattern lock that comes on when the screen goes dark. If someone picks up the phone while it is active, they can use it until the screen times out. This appears to be no different then the built in Pattern Lock Security already built into the phone.
The Lock/Unlock feature of Mobile Defense would seem to make the phone much less secure, then the stock phone system.
The tracking feature seems to be the only added benefit to this application as erasing data is not currently available.
My Moto Droid has a set unlocking pattern. I can unlock the phone by using the pattern lock or the online Mobile Defense Command. If I use the phone to unlock it, it is only unlocked until the screen times out. If I use the Mobile Defense online command, it remains unlocked until I re-enable the automatic lock online and then the phone locks when the screen times out. This would seem less secure then the phone's built in security. Anyone can use the phone until I find out that I've lost it, go online, and reenable the lock pattern. It would have otherwise locked as soon as my screen timed out.
Secondly, with regards to the online lock feature, it doesn't lock the phone as soon as you enter the online command. It remains useable until the screen times out. It only enables the pattern lock that comes on when the screen goes dark. If someone picks up the phone while it is active, they can use it until the screen times out. This appears to be no different then the built in Pattern Lock Security already built into the phone.
The Lock/Unlock feature of Mobile Defense would seem to make the phone much less secure, then the stock phone system.
The tracking feature seems to be the only added benefit to this application as erasing data is not currently available.

You make some valid points however I don't feel it makes it any less secure.

I don't lock my phone so I'm not sure that would be an issue to me. I'm more concerned on getting a lock on it's location and sending the cops out to get it.

I don't recall what the exact reason was anymore but I felt that Mobile Defense was better then Wave Secure. Do you have any comments about Wave Secure?
Also let's not forget that anyone who knows your phone number can access your phone if you have the pattern lock on anyway. Known glitch where pattern lock is rendered ineffective after receiving a phone call.
I haven't used Wave Secure.
It seems to me that relying on a system that requires you go online to lock your phone rather then having the phone lock automatically is asking for someone to use your phone or steal your data. It takes a second to swipe an unlock pattern. How long does it take to go online, go to the Mobile Defense web site, log in, connect to your phone, and select unlock. I would wind up leaving my phone unlocked as you do.This just seems counterintuitive to protecting your phone and data. Just my 2c. Thanks for replying.
Also let's not forget that anyone who knows your phone number can access your phone if you have the pattern lock on anyway. Known glitch where pattern lock is rendered ineffective after receiving a phone call.
Didn't know that. At least with the stock phone security, it will relock after the screen times out. With Mobile Defense, the phone remains unlocked until you go online and reenable the lock.
I am not sure if your intentions are malicious or if you are just being impatient, but you have already posted the same message in at least three different locations within 45 minutes of each other.

Please see our official forums for our response or to continue the dialog.

Best Regards,

Ken Adair
Mobile Defense
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You can just DL a widget that enables / disables the lock pattern, keep the mobile defense for the other features, not the lock enable/disable.
Um... if you want the pattern lock engaged at all times, just go onto MD and set your phone to locked. Setting the phone to unlocked via MD is basically the same as locally disabling the paattern lock on the phone- why would you disable the lock and then complain that it's disabled?
I am not sure if your intentions are malicious or if you are just being impatient, but you have already posted the same message in at least three different locations within 45 minutes of each other.

Please see our official forums for our response or to continue the dialog.

Best Regards,

Ken Adair
Mobile Defense

I kinda agree. Truckbutt......I'm sure we all have an idea of how we'd like software to operate or how we'd like to have anything done. You make some valid points on how the software should operate.

I don't know if you are a developer of any sort......but one thing you will find is that there are constraints placed on you by the system.....that would make the ideal.....well, less than easy/possible to implement

I would love to see a solution that operates the way you describe.......( I would also love a phone that could project everything in a holographic display.......but its just not currently possible)

At least the service is free! You can't complain against that!
I was just trying to point out that using MD's option to unlock your phone leaves you vulnerable to having your phone unlocked until you go back online and lock it. The only way to find out that MD recommends leaving your phone locked is by separately reviewing their support forum FAQ's. I think that something that important should be somewhere more prominently displayed.
I don't think it was unreasonable to post this on their support forum and raise it here so that others might benefit from what I found by trying out their application. I had no idea when I selected unlock, that my phone would remain unlocked (disabling my lock pattern) until I locked it using MD. I thought that information would be helpful to others. I think that would be the opposite of malicious. You decide.:)
Well here is what I have to say about mobile defense.... mother f****r better be able to run faster then me lol