Does the Gnex have 1GB of RAM?


Dec 9, 2009
Reaction score
Under Apps, mine is showing a total of 695 MB with 395 used and 300 free. Where is the other 305 MB?
The other 305 is unavailable to you because it contains the Awesome of the GNex. Fortunately they found a way to compress Awesome or it would have used it all.

ETA- J/K, in for the answer.
I believe it does have 1gb of RAM, but like any other OS, certain amounts of RAM is used to keep the OS running.
Good point. I didn't think about system use. Thanks.
I don't know how they count RAM usage on those devices. But, some of the device RAM is presumably used as video RAM. And it wouldn't surprise me if other processors inside the phone use system RAM for memory, like the baseband.
I have seen in my phone that when my cache continues to increase and pillows beyond 100 meg, my phone gets sloooow. When I take the time to clear my cache (manually), it performs like new.

I don't think managing memory is the whole story, if the OP's post is related to performance.
I have seen in my phone that when my cache continues to increase and pillows beyond 100 meg, my phone gets sloooow. When I take the time to clear my cache (manually), it performs like new.

I don't think managing memory is the whole story, if the OP's post is related to performance.
I know you go under settings,but from there,where do you go to clear cache,and how often should we clear it?
I do the same thing in regards to clearing cache... Some programs just demolish it, and as this phone uses Flash Memory (NAND?), the more free space available the faster it operates. It is just like Solid State Drives on a PC: I have to keep my RAID0 Vertex3's below 75% total capacity or performance drops exponentially (I keep them filled to about ~225GB, 2x240GB Drives in RAID0 = 480GB, but when I loaded them up to around 425GB my Read/Write speeds went from ~885Mbps/~870Mbps to 315/270... immediately transferring 125GB back to RAID10 HDD array resulted in identical performance to before).

I do not know how big the total system cache is for Android OS, or how it works compared to Windows (not a Linux guy myself), but as fast as NAND-based Flash memory is, and it IS FAST, it still doesn't come close to the speed of dual-channel LPDDR2 RAM.
It makes sense to keep unnecessary stuff out of the RAM so it can be used immediately if necessary in the case of an X86-64 OS (i.e. Win7) but things may be different here... I just don't know in what way.
IDK I use Cachemate and SD Maid from the market to clear out cache and junk freeing up space and having the phone perform optimally. Clearing Dalvik Cache in CWMR and formating Cache in CWMR will also help giving a clean slate and perhaps improve performance. Another good app... to clear logs is History Eraser... be careful with History Eraser and SD Maid (in particular SD Maid)... they are powerful apps and it's possible to clean up so well as to delete something you don't wish to have deleted... :D
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Settings --> Apps --> App_of_Choice --> Clear cache

I use a cache manager to show me which items I need to clear, then I uninstall it, as many of them need "network access" and I don't like that one bit.