Double tap zoom; default setting?


Dec 9, 2009
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Please correct me if I am incorrect, but didn't the browser have a default double tap zoom level in 2.01? I could have sworn that I could set it by using the zoom bar at the bottom to get the setting I wanted and then when I double tapped, a new page would zoom to that level.

Now with 2.1 it seems that the default zoom for a double tap is much more zoomed. (Too much for me anyway, I then am compelled to zoom out a little) I know that we have the pinch zooming, but for me, I still like to double tap.

Is the functionality different, or am I remembering it wrong?
you're probably remembering it a little different because it works different depending on the content of the page. The double tap feature attempts to guess what you're trying to zoom in on and zooms enough to fill the screen with that element. Specifically text and frames. If you double tap on a paragraph it will fill the screen with that paragraph. If you double tap on a sidebar element, it will fill the screen with the sidebar, etc. If you're talking about zooming on images then I haven't noticed any difference there either.

that's how it worked before as well.
I think it has something to do with the "Auto fit pages" in the browser settings. I think I just figured that out...:icon_eek: