Dream Phone


Jan 24, 2010
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So I was thinking the other day, with all of the android phones hitting the market wouldn't it be cool if you could order a phone with any of the current or upcoming options. So let's here what kind of dream phone would you put together? I think I would go with the Droid Pro body with the upcoming tegra 2 chip. Pretty basic but nice and quick. Let's here em guys!

*edit* I think I would put the a antenna I guess you call it out of the D2G for service anywhere I go, and maybe the trackball from the N1/Eris
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No idea, at least right now....could be due to the hours of studying i just put in, but I like the way my Inc is. If there's any problem i have with it is it doesn't truly sit flat, the back design makes it tip easily when I try to type or play angry birds on my desk