Droid 1 to Droid x?


New Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Whats up guys, im currently legible for an upgrade but im not to sure what I want to do. First off if anyone has had the droid 1 and than upgraded to the X, what do you think about it and was it a better upgrade. Also does anyone know if the internet is faster on the X than the droid 1? Because i have been researching and seen some phones that might be coming out around christmas but none of them look like there going to be better than the X. So if anyone has any input feel free, Thanks
If you are running the Droid 1 stock, then the X is a huge upgrade (pun intended). :D

If you are rooted, and overclocked, then it is still worth it, IMO though many here will tell you to wait for the new devices.

I never used the physical KB on the Droid 1, so for me, the X, with it's large 4.3" screen is just great. I actually underclock my X to 800mhz to make the battery go longer, and don't notice any speed trade off compared to my Droid 1 running at 800mhz because the X's OMAP CPU is more efficient.
If you are running the Droid 1 stock, then the X is a huge upgrade (pun intended). :D

If you are rooted, and overclocked, then it is still worth it, IMO though many here will tell you to wait for the new devices.

I never used the physical KB on the Droid 1, so for me, the X, with it's large 4.3" screen is just great. I actually underclock my X to 800mhz to make the battery go longer, and don't notice any speed trade off compared to my Droid 1 running at 800mhz because the X's OMAP CPU is more efficient.

yeahh tru...im really just waiting for the 4G android phones but those arent expected till the summer they said..so i mite just buy the droid x now than when i see a good 4G android phone out buy that and sell the X
If you are running the Droid 1 stock, then the X is a huge upgrade (pun intended). :D

If you are rooted, and overclocked, then it is still worth it, IMO though many here will tell you to wait for the new devices.

I never used the physical KB on the Droid 1, so for me, the X, with it's large 4.3" screen is just great. I actually underclock my X to 800mhz to make the battery go longer, and don't notice any speed trade off compared to my Droid 1 running at 800mhz because the X's OMAP CPU is more efficient.

How do u underclock? Lol is it cause you're rooted.

I prefer the dc in every way possible. I had the d1 before. Night and day difference.

P.s. the dx wont support 4g when it comes out?
How do u underclock? Lol is it cause you're rooted.

I prefer the dc in every way possible. I had the d1 before. Night and day difference.

P.s. the dx wont support 4g when it comes out?

Yeah, you have to root and use SetCPU.

No, the X won't be 4g capable, it doesn't have the hardware.
The fascinate is awesome IMO. I've had them all. X. Dinc. And the Droid 1. And I'm most pleased with the Samsung.

Sent from the Fascinate.
If you wait for a 4g phone, then you will also have a tiered data plan with a cap. Verizon is getting rid of the unlimited data plan when they switch to 4g.

Trying out Sprint for a month. Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk. 4G is pointless when you don't live in one of the few available network areas.
I went from a Droid 1 to an X. This week! I really really really enjoyed my Droid 1. Might have been because of all the rooting and time I spent making it like I wanted it. I was so excited to get a Droid X.
But after having it a week now. I am a little bored with it. I know eventually it will get truly rooted. But it just works perfectly. There's really nothing I wanna change. I hate that it has alot of bloatware. But its not like its going to cause me to run out of space. As far as the overclocking and stuff like that. Its damn snappy as it is. Much better than the Droid 1. Battery life is kinda bad on the X. I find myself searching for somewhere to plug it in. Guess thats what happens when you carry around a Mini flat screen.
I personally really like the Fascinate. If I had my choice, that is probably the route I would go if I had the option. If it seems like I'm complaining, I'm not. Its a great device!

I too have just upgraded to the X. What I like best about it is the fact I do not have to root, ROM switching and stuff to get it to run half decent.
I have rooted the X and stopped alot of the bloatware and then themed. This thing is a stud!!

The only way 4G would be worth the wait is if you live in the part of the country where they first roll it out. As someone else said, the data plans are probably going to change. They have to pay for 4G somehow.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
I just received a DX in exchange for my broken D1.

So far I haven't rooted, but I like it! I'm one of the few who didn't want an upgrade for my broken D1. We'll see how I feel about this.

More details later... Daddy's got work to do on this thing.
I actually underclock my X to 800mhz to make the battery go longer, and don't notice any speed trade off compared to my Droid 1 running at 800mhz because the X's OMAP CPU is more efficient.
you don't have to do that. x throttles cpu by itself running between 300 and 1000 mhz.
Got a DX as a replacement for my D1 on 8/31 and I love it!
Love the larger screen.
Can't imagine using a smaller screen now!
It seems faster than my overclocked D1.
I am very pleased and am satisfied with this until my upgrade in june.

Sent from my DROIDX
Got a DX as a replacement for my D1 on 8/31 and I love it!
Love the larger screen.
Can't imagine using a smaller screen now!
It seems faster than my overclocked D1.
I am very pleased and am satisfied with this until my upgrade in june.

Sent from my DROIDX

I have an upgrade but I am waiting still might get the X though we will see. I also have an evo on sprint only because my phone bill under my parents family plan was over $150 for the last few months. Was using the evo all day on tapatalk and honestly I like the bigger screen. Its one of my favorite features, its hard typing on the droid right now. Haven't droped back to my basic phone to stop paying for the data yet. Oops. Mine as well use it while I am paying for it. :)

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk