Droid 2 Global Newbie


New Member
Mar 28, 2011
Reaction score
Bergen County, NJ
Hello! Just got the Droid 2 Global. Having a lot of challenges with it, but I don't want to give up on it. I'm hoping to find some great assistance on this site.

Welcome to the community. Great place to learn and someone is always willing to help out. Feel free to ask any questions and maybe we can help you with these challanges. Dive on in and make youself at home

Sent from my Liberated D2
welcome to the forum. u will love the global more once rooted but either way, can't beat what an android can do

Aloha from Hawaii...
Thanks for making me feel so welcome, everyone! One of my biggest challenges so far is the notification for a text message. Any chance you know of a different notification so that will send a reminder every 2 minutes or so for a new text message? Right now it only gives the initial notification, and if I'm not near the phone, I won't know I received one.
unfortunately no. however im not sure if the market may have sms/mms. the only notification I have when I receive msgs are the text icon and the blinking light to let me know I have a msg

Aloha from Hawaii...
ah try Go SMS in the market. I so happen went to our sister site Android.net and found someone using that app. u can always uninstall it if its not what ur looking for

Aloha from Hawaii...