New Member
Hi all. For about two to three weeks now I've been getting ads that pop up immediately after I hang up from a phone call (and not every call). I've installed a few apps that say they get rid of ads or detect addons (addons detector, adfree, airpush detector, ad detector) etc but none of them have located the app that's pushing crap to my phone. Besides the apps I just listed my recent apps are Draw Free, Drive (google drive), Instagram, Parallel Mafia, Talking Ben, & Temple Run. I could easily just remove all of those but I'd like to figure out which app is forcing the ads to appear. I end up clicking them because, when I'm done talking, I go to hit Hang Up but the other person beats me to it and the ad pops and BAM I tap it. None of the apps listed show up under Advanced Task Killer after I receive an ad. Most of the apps I've listed are also on my wife's iPhone (Talking Tom instead of Ben, Instagram's not installed for her) and she hasn't complained about this problem (and believe me, she'd let me know if something was wonky).
It wasn't such a huge deal until this morning when I dialed a friend and ~while~it~was~ringing~ I heard a voice ad talking about some site I should visit. Very bothersome and very frustrating.
Anyone else have this issue yet?
It wasn't such a huge deal until this morning when I dialed a friend and ~while~it~was~ringing~ I heard a voice ad talking about some site I should visit. Very bothersome and very frustrating.
Anyone else have this issue yet?