Droid 2 Information Directory


Aug 30, 2010
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Hi all.

I'd really like to put together a large directory to make finding certain information easier. Here is what I have so far.

Droid 2 Information Directory - xda-developers

I don't get around much, but if you think there is something I should ask to the list, please let me know. I believe that the easier it is to find something, the better. Not to mention, I think a good directory would be a good reference for development if the need ever arises.

good idea i like it
Hi all. Updated the post. Lots more. I hope this thread gets stickied. I hope that everyone forgets the forum lines. It helps all Droid 2 users if we share and organize material. No point in writing things if it has already been written. Together as a community, we can accomplish MORE!
I used your guide to use rsd lite and sbf to save my phone yesterday. It was very helpful except my phone was stuck at "M" and I had to ask elsewhere how to get into the bootloader. It would be helpful if you added that to your instructions for others in the same situation.

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I used your guide to use rad life and sbf to save my phone yesterday. It was very helpful except my phone was stuck at "M" and I had to ask elsewhere how to get into the bootloader. It would be helpful if you added that to your instructions for others in the same situation.


Sure. If you can send me a PM and tell me where to put the information, I'd be more than happy to. Most of my time is spent going to school :( or working on dummy-proofing the root process with facelessuser.
You can add the links to my two stickied threads.

Complete Working Rom List & Complete Working Themes List

Links in my sig below.
You can add the links to my two stickied threads.

Complete Working Rom List & Complete Working Themes List

Links in my sig below.

Cool. I will do! Thanks for the directory. The more we add, and if we can keep it organize, would be awesome. Easy to find thing!
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Excellent idea and thank you for putting this together!! Been thinking about rooting my girl's D2 but will DEF need a guide so it will be less likely to get bricked! We know how it is when mama isn't happy! Haha!!
Excellent idea and thank you for putting this together!! Been thinking about rooting my girl's D2 but will DEF need a guide so it will be less likely to get bricked! We know how it is when mama isn't happy! Haha!!

Can't really brick it... Facelessuser and I have our doroot.bat file. Silentkiller (or something) on Alldroid took our code and worked some magic and put it into a One-Click. You got lots of choices, and you can do them super quick, now, too. The new linux/mac version took me like 3 minutes start to finish with downloads.