Droid 3 Cases?


Jan 15, 2011
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I managed to order my Droid 3 this morning. Now I need a case. The only cases I can find so far are on Ebay. I asked on a live chat with Seidio when they expected to have cases for the Droid 3, and they said they didn't know at this time if they would make any accessories for that device.

What is everyone else getting for cases?
I'm probably going to make a soft case using some scrap neoprene material, cotton cloth liner, webbing, Velcro and a sewing machine. The Velcro seems to wear out after a year or so (loop side gets frazzled) but is still usable. I'm not much of an expert with a sewing machine and I tend to do a rush job most of the time, but with a little time and some free scraps it makes for a nice evening project.
