Droid and Exchange Delete Sync Question


New Member
Jun 16, 2010
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I've setup an Exchange Server 2007 in my office. I've configured the company Droids using the Exchange settings in the new mail setup screen and it's all working well. One of the users asked if there is a way to delete an email from the Droid, but retain it in Exchange/Outlook on his workstation.

I was under the impression that if I delete an email from my Exchange enabled Outlook, it will be removed from the Droid and visa-versa.

Does anyone know if there a way to delete an email on the Droid, but retain it in Outlook?
I'm not sure this is doable or of any feature/setting that would allow. A possible work around would be to schedule hourly backups of your server. That probably will not catch everything places a burden on you, and eats up server space but it would provide a level of confidence.

The other way to approach which I prefer -- if the user deletes a message it goes into trash. I use Exchange and mine remains in trash until I delete (individual setting preference) that places the burden, where it belongs, on the user.

Hope this helps.

Try Touchdown Exchange client. It's the best and I believe it will do what you need.

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