Droid Bionic data speed slow


New Member
Dec 17, 2010
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I just got my Bionic this past Tuesday (5/29/2012) to get onto Page Plus.

After messing with it myself, using instructions I had found, I gave up, and contacted remotesquad.

As a result of their work, I am up with talk, text and web, but only at a 1x speed.

I tried following the follow-up directions on i got the bionic to work on page plus with solid 1x data and 3g until signal drop to get 3G working, but still no luck.

Anyone have any suggestions?
Many, many times. And I did pull the SIM card, too.
I'm assuming they had you do a factory reset? Are you in a weak signal area?

If it persists I would try another, and if you are within you're 14 day return period, you will get a new one.
Remotesquad said something about sending me an SBF file when they reprogrammed the phone Wednesday, but I haven't heard back from them since.

I am afraid to do it, since I don't want to have to pay them to reflash again.
They did, first thing.

And, I bought the phone on Craigslist, so an exchange is out. Again, the phone works, but only at a 1X data signal.
And I never had an issue with signal strength before now, so you know. I had 3G when I had my Droid 2 Global.
Is it possible that the issue is a provider issue??? Vzw was having all sorts of issues this last week.

Anything is possible, but I still don't have 3G right now.
Search the forums,I just read a thread on unthrottleing, it will totally speed up you're phone