Droid bogged down

Apr 1, 2011
Reaction score
Maple Grove, MN
Recently I began having trouble with my phone bogging down. Opening an app takes a long time, or doesn't work at all. It doesn't happen all the time, but there were a few common times when it seemed to be occurring. At this point I think it is either when listening to audio or when something is plugged into the headphone jack. The application used for audio doesn't seem to matter, I have seen this with Winamp, Pandora, and others. Any ideas?

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It is a good idea to turn off your phone once in a while. You might even try a battery pull.
I reboot my phone every day. In fact, if I have this problem, reboot, and go back to what I was doing, it happens in seconds.

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Have you recently installed a new app? If so, delete it and see if things change. Otherwise, it may mean that you need to clean your cache and/or do a system reset.
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I have been thinking about what might have changed which would be causing this. I was hoping that this was a common problem, but obviously it is not. I will keep trying.

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Grab the app "watchdog" and set it up to alert you if an app goes over 30/40 percent of the cpu. That should tell you what the problem is. Feel free to DM me for further help, I had this issue a few months ago and resolved it.

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I'm back to having problems here. You all might think this is crazy, but I think the problems are due to the headphone jack. Problems with the headphone jack on Droids are well documented, but I haven't seen anyone mention that they cause the phone to behave strangely. What I have noticed is frequently if I have something plugged into the headphone jack, the audio application will start to chew up phone resources and bog the phone down. I am definitely one of those people who has trouble getting the connection to work at all, so I'm wondering if even when it is working, there is enough of an electrical problem to cause the phone to operate incorrectly. Anyone else observe a similar issue?
I don't have the issue that you are describing, however when you mentioned that your headphone jack was giving you problems I had a thought. If your headphones aren't making a good connection, then a music app (may have options for stop/start playback on headphone connect/disconnect) may be attempting to start and stop playback the entire time that you have the headphones plugged in.

I would check whatever music app you are using and see if you can disable this option (or at least check and see if it is enabled). I am using poweramp as my music player and I know that you can toggle this in the settings menu. You might want to try a different music player to see if that helps things at all. It sucks getting the CLNR phones b/c they are barely refurbished, but that may be your only option if it is fact the headphone jack messing things up.
Yeah, that's a good thought, and it has occurred to me as well. The problem I have is that I have so MANY audio apps. I listen to MLB games on my phone, NPR podcasts, Pandora, music on my phone via Winamp, music at home via Zumocast, etc. Using an app that would allow me to disable that feature would be great if it was just one app, but unfortunately a lot of these apps can't be replaced with another player, and they don't have the ability to disable the pause feature. And I'm not even certain that's the problem, because as an example, the MLB app does not pause when the headphones are removed, yet it appears to cause this problem as well. But only when something is plugged into the jack. I've got bluetooth headphones that do not cause this issue. There are other reasons I use the jack, mainly for better speakers and also in the car, where I don't have bluetooth but I do have a cassette adapter.

I'm upset about this because Verizon already stuck me with a refurb phone when my last Bionic crapped, and I don't think they checked the jack when they refurbed it, it's been this way since I got it. I will probably have to take this one in as well. :angry: