Droid Calendar vs Google Calendar


Apr 26, 2010
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Hi all.

Wife and I want to share calendars but don't want to include some private work related stuff in the other person's calendar.

If I change the event availability to private and available then a given event of mine will not show up in her browser based Google calendar, BUT it still shows up in the default calendar app on the Droid.

Is this fixable?

Hi all.

Wife and I want to share calendars but don't want to include some private work related stuff in the other person's calendar.

If I change the event availability to private and available then a given event of mine will not show up in her browser based Google calendar, BUT it still shows up in the default calendar app on the Droid.

Is this fixable?


Have you tried changing the level of sharing between your calendars? Is she able to change the events on your calendar, for example? If so, it may treat it an event as shareable with her on the Droid even if it's marked as private.

I noticed the following, for example, on the help section of the calendar sharing on Google...

"Private: For public or shared calendars, select this option to make sure only you and other calendar owners (those with 'Make changes to events' privileges and higher) can see the event and its details...."

You indicated, however, that setting the event as private does conceal it on her web-based calendar, just not on the Droid, so that would appear to be a bug to report to google.

There is, however, a workaround that you might well have already considered. Simply set up another calendar for yourself from your existing calendar. Put the events you don't want to share in that calendar and make it available only to yourself.

Would that work?
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I thought about setting up a separate "family" calendar and just entering pertinent stuff directly onto that independent of our personal calendars but I don't know how to enter and edit that calendar from the Droid.

That wouldn't be as effective if we have to enter data from a browser, though we could do it from the Droid browser.

One thing that I did notice is that, often, in order to see changes in a linked calendar I had to refresh the browser page. Not just hitting the "refresh" button in the calendar but refreshing the entire html page.

So I wonder if this is a cache issue.
Is there a way to clear the cache in the Droid's calendar?

The easiest way my wife and I found to do this is to use invites. In other words, set up a calendar event in your calendar and add her to the invite. You can give her the ability to modify the events (i.e. time or location).
I thought about setting up a separate "family" calendar and just entering pertinent stuff directly onto that independent of our personal calendars but I don't know how to enter and edit that calendar from the Droid....


If you set up another "My Calendar" on the Google Website, you'll be able to see (and edit) it on your Droid. Each event you create can then be added to either calendar. If you share that calendar with your wife, she should be able to edit it, as well.

When you set up an event you'll be able to choose which calendar to put it on.