Droid dead after charging all night!


Nov 14, 2009
Reaction score
When I went to bed, the Droid was at about 80% charge. It did the crazy thing where it wakes me up in the middle of the night with a constant playing of the email notification sound, so I shut it off.

When I woke up and tried to turn the phone on, it was completely dead. I put it back in the dock and it booted up, but had 0% battery charge.
Make double sure your fully connected to the power outlet and the connection is totally connected to your phone and to the plug. If that is confirmed, you'll want to either stop at the VZW store or call CS at 800-922-0204
I had the same thing happen the other day....Plugged in the droid, went to bed...woke up to a 5% warning.....Charged it on the way to work in the truck. Came home and found out I plugged the droid into a cable that was not plugged into the charger :icon_eek:
I had the same thing happen the other day....Plugged in the droid, went to bed...woke up to a 5% warning.....Charged it on the way to work in the truck. Came home and found out I plugged the droid into a cable that was not plugged into the charger :icon_eek:
I don't know why, but I found that amusing. I guess because at my computer I have one going to the USB in my computer and the other going to the AC power. I can see where you could have done that.


Almost drove up to see the Game.....

Here We Go Steelers....Here We Go....
I miss Sunday mornings, going to Giant Eagle or stopping for gas, or a cup of coffee where I used to live and see fellow Steelers fans either headed to the game to tailgate, or heading off to their friends house to watch the game. Our next door neighbors and us watched virtually ever Steelers game for 5 years before we moved here to eastern PA. It's just not the same, sure there's Eagles fans, they come out of the woodwork when they're winning, and diss them and hibernate when they're losing. Ravens fans aren't very plentiful here in Lancaster that I've found so far, but they're still not as dedicated to their teams. I remember waiting in line to use the mens room down at the Post-Gazette Pavillion at a Dave Matthews concert in July and all of a sudden the chants "here we go Steelers, here we go" was echoed throughout the bathroom. You just can't explain it to anyone who's never experienced it like we have. I hope we destroy the Ravens today and can run the table for next week too. :icon_ banana::icon_ banana: