Droid DNA screen issues


New Member
Mar 8, 2010
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I have been looking throughout the web for others with this issue and have not found any. So, here goes, I was demonstrating a DNA incased in an otterbox to a customer. In order to demonstrate the resilience of the DNA and otterbox, I dropped my phone from four feet on to carpet. I completely shattered my screen. Anyone heard of defects in the DNA screen
So I'm guessing you lost that sale? ;) But seriously, from everything I have read and seen, the DNA screen is no worse than other phones. Phones do break even with the best cases. I had and IPod touch crack its screen and it had a nice thick gel case on and it was not dropped very far. I am curious, Nickjp2, do you work for Verizon or somewhere else?
Even if well protected if you drop it and it impacts itself just right things can break. Funny, out of all the phones I've ever owned and how many times I've dropped them I've never cracked a screen. Of course I just jinxed myself now.... lol