Droid Froyo its Real (pics of about screen)


Oct 30, 2009
Reaction score
I didn't like all the bull****, and naysaying, and the calling of b.s. I've been good to the droid community so most of you can kiss off. But to shut u all up and to get my apology. See here

MyDroidWorld - Your #1 Android source!

Front Page.

You will notice the new baseband - if you don't know what that is ask someone.
Blur = Fake! Show some video's of Froyo functionality working on a droid and I will believe you, till then no apology from me and hopefully the rest of the community :icon_evil::icon_evil::icon_evil:

I'm such a troll
Please keep this thread civil. From O.P. on down to any other further replies.
At least you dont hold a grudge...

Thanks for the picture, but I'm a bit unclear on why it says Froyo instead of 2.2.
At least you dont hold a grudge...

Thanks for the picture, but I'm a bit unclear on why it says Froyo instead of 2.2.

i dont know why either, just know that it does.
I don't get people sometimes. People want to be on bleeding edge with their device and some people kindly oblige them only to hear those same people then whine about show me proof and pics, call them liars, or banner your shiz with this thread is useless w/out pics banners. Why??? Why is it so offensive to some that someone legitimately needs to protect their sources in order stay in the know? They don't have to disclose anything to any of us period. Ask yourselves a few question... Has this person ever led you down the wrong road before? Have they EVER done anything in this forum that wasn't for the benefit of everyone? I don't know where the build is from but it makes no sense for someone like P3 to fudge it and risk his reputation. So P3 you don't have to explain yourself to me for what its worth and thanks for the new info!

Mods: That was the most civil way I could say it! I'm trying!
P3Droid....any reason to why you are not releasing this to the community/fanbase?
I've thought you had the real stuff since Kellex posted it on Droid-Life!! Thanks for sharing the info!!

But holding a grudge just to prove your point doesn't look good on anyone... you proved it so EVERYONE can move on now

Can't wait for some FroYo!!!
Blur = Fake! Show some video's of Froyo functionality working on a droid and I will believe you, till then no apology from me and hopefully the rest of the community :icon_evil::icon_evil::icon_evil:

I'm such a troll

It's real, it's not very functional at all in this build though. It's simply impossible to do anything meaninigful with this ROM, but it is real and it does seem quite fast (at the couple of things it will actually do).

TBH, at this point a vid of it running would be boring to say the least.
Blur = Fake! Show some video's of Froyo functionality working on a droid and I will believe you, till then no apology from me and hopefully the rest of the community :icon_evil::icon_evil::icon_evil:

I'm such a troll

It's real, it's not very functional at all in this build though. It's simply impossible to do anything meaninigful with this ROM, but it is real and it does seem quite fast (at the couple of things it will actually do).

TBH, at this point a vid of it running would be boring to say the least.

Dave, you must not have noticed the change in the baseband. :) :)

TBH, that is not allowed. Hopefully we will all have a copy on our phone before too long.
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Blur = Fake! Show some video's of Froyo functionality working on a droid and I will believe you, till then no apology from me and hopefully the rest of the community :icon_evil::icon_evil::icon_evil:

I'm such a troll

It's real, it's not very functional at all in this build though. It's simply impossible to do anything meaninigful with this ROM, but it is real and it does seem quite fast (at the couple of things it will actually do).

TBH, at this point a vid of it running would be boring to say the least.

Dave, you must not have noticed the change in the baseband. :) :)

TBH, that is not allowed. Hopefully we will all have a copy on our phone before too long.

LMAO didn't even look at the baseband.
My biggest issue is it says froyo. Its suppose to say 2.2 if I believe. My Droid said 2.0 and 2.1 not the names google made for the version.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
It will say whatever the builder of the ROM wants it to say. For instance, my build number is 'Bugless Beast 1.0'. Whoever's crafted this 2.2 ROM called it 'froyo'.