

Jan 10, 2010
Reaction score
I'll try to keep this short, but hopefully it helps someone out there to make a decision. I've been a diehard android fan since the first Moto Droid. Loved it. For some reason, I upgraded both my wife and I to the Inc. I liked it, but we both experienced a lot of dropped calls. Then, one evening my wife's radio died and Vzw said that they would overnight a replacement, but it would be a couple days since this was on the weekend. Well, she was oncall for work and that wasn't an option. I drove to the nearest store and they hooked me up with an iphone. Not sure how, but I accepted it. Anyway, i set my wife up on it and within 24 hours she said it was the best phone she's ever used. I felt "small". Hurt! Anyway, about 30 days later I caved and went to the iphone and can honestly say.... It hurts.... It was built better than my Inc. We forgot the feeling of having a dropped call. I no longer had to ask people to repeat what they just said. It is just a solid device. It came with some caveats. Apple(as we all know) keeps way too tight of a grip on their device. Only one example out of a 100 was that I hated their keyboard. Too bad, so sad. You're stuck with it.

I've been eyeing the Nexus since the first photos were leaked. Well, I made the switch and and feel that I can give my opinion. I didn't think I would like the larger screen, but it really is nice. It's not that much larger than your normal sized screen. The whole GUI is very nice. Absolutely no complaints. I quickly realized how much I missed being able to customize every single little ringtone/notifications. So nice to have that back. It's also sooooo nice not having to deal with iTunes! That program sux and that's not my opinion. It's fact! I haven't experienced any dropped calls. So, I'm still keeping the fingers crossed, but that seems to be holding up. The signal strength doesn't bother me. It sounds like Google is addressing it. Meanwhile, did i mention i haven't had any dropped calls?

My ONLY reservation about this device is battery. I stepped up and bought the extended yesterday ($25 at the store) so, I need to give it a few days to really see. I've pretty much set everything like my iphone (wifi, BT, GPS all on) I did disable 4g because it seemed unanimous that it kills the battery. I'm completely content with 3G.

For the time being, I'm just so happy to be back in this community. I feel like I left my wife for a trophy wife realizing that my wife was the real trophy; she just likes to drain(battery) me of my money!

So, if you're coming from iphone or thinking about it, I really think it's a good move especially if you're looking into forums like this for answers. Typically, those of us that hang in here are pretty tech savvy and like to play around and learn new tricks. Not much playing on the iphone. Even if you do jailbreak, there are a lot of limitations. Also, I'm very optimistic that at some point there will be some updates to address outstanding issues. If not, there's such a great community that someone will most likely fix the issues.

Good luck!
Congrats on grabbing the Nexus!

Yeah the battery life isn't too great, but there are some tricks you can do to extend it. If you want a significant improvement in battery life I recommend you root and ROM.
I caved and got my wife an iphone, she's trying to talk me into one now but it ain't happening. :)

I plan on picking up a Nexus to replace my D1 once I have the funds later this month.
Congrats on your new phone. If you have any questions about, just ask. There's always someone willing to help out.
I caved and got my wife an iphone, she's trying to talk me into one now but it ain't happening. :)I plan on picking up a Nexus to replace my D1 once I have the funds later this month.
I was using the original droid until 2 wks ago when the touch screen stopped responding. Had a funeral the next day with a very nice service. Got the Nexus since I needed a new phone and it seemed like the best option currently. I really didn't like the overall design and wasn't that thrilled about it, but I have to say it's growing on me. 4G + that gorgeous screen really make surfing the net enjoyable. I've also done a lot of tweaking with power settings and upgraded to the extended battery and have no complaints about it using too much power.
My wife and I have always had a soft spot for our OG Droids. When we went to the store to look at upgrade options, she wanted to stay with Android...but she really really wanted a normal sized phone and was annoyed that all the good Android phones were massive. So she eyed the iPhones...and I was honest with her and told her that they are obviously quite solid devices but you give up a lot of customizability, etc.

She went over to the iPhone display phones and asked me..."like what?". So I told her that iPhones don't really have any widgets...only pages of square icons...no weather, tasks and Calendar widgets on your homescreen. Before I could go any further she cut me short and said, "Forget about it!" :D

I ended up getting her the Rezound (which she loves) and I got myself the GN. The Rezound has a great form factor and is only slightly wider than the OG Droid, but considerably taller. We're both over the moon with our 2 new Android phones dancedroidDancingNexus
Im in the same boat but mine is a lil longer list lol..i have an att and verizon contract so thats why there are so many iPhones in there.

iPhone2G->iPhone3G->iPhone3Gs->iPhone4->DroidX->iPhone4->Inspire->Fascinate->iPhone4->XperiaPlay->iPhone4->Charge->iPhone4->Bionic->iPhone4....(Nexus or wait for new wave of devices lol)
Im in the same boat but mine is a lil longer list lol..i have an att and verizon contract so thats why there are so many iPhones in there.

iPhone2G->iPhone3G->iPhone3Gs->iPhone4->DroidX->iPhone4->Inspire->Fascinate->iPhone4->XperiaPlay->iPhone4->Charge->iPhone4->Bionic->iPhone4....(Nexus or wait for new wave of devices lol)

Verizon agreed to a fully unlocked phone so - Nexus man! Join the revolution! :)
Verizon agreed to a fully unlocked phone so - Nexus man! Join the revolution! :)
Agreed. I was going to pass on the Nexus and wait for the next gen of phones, but the fact is that we will not have another pure Google experience device on VZW for a LONG time. Even if other phones come up and are unlocked and rooted/ROMd, none will have the kind of Dev support over the lifetime of the phone that the GN will have.

While some of the newer phones might be better at release, they will lose support from Verizon and the manufacturers in a matter of months or a year (D3 has already been discontinued and is not getting ICS). After thinking it over, I decided to go with the GN as it is a very nice phone that meets all my needs at this point in time, has much more polish due to ICS and will have excellent support over the next 2 years from both Google and all the devs.
Well looks like I'm coming to the GNex..trading my iPhone 4 for a slightly used nexus lol. Good deal for me i reckon. I can't wait to burn the battery on day 1 by playing with it lol. Also..whats the recommended rom i should install on it first?
Well looks like I'm coming to the GNex..trading my iPhone 4 for a slightly used nexus lol. Good deal for me i reckon. I can't wait to burn the battery on day 1 by playing with it lol. Also..whats the recommended rom i should install on it first?

If you're anything like me you'll burn through that battery several times the first day.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Same here. Wife is on second iPhone. She loves it and its nice having both in the house. It just affirms my faith in Android. GN kicks ass!!

Actually can't wait to see what apple does with iPhone 5.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Well looks like I'm coming to the GNex..trading my iPhone 4 for a slightly used nexus lol. Good deal for me i reckon. I can't wait to burn the battery on day 1 by playing with it lol. Also..whats the recommended rom i should install on it first?
I'd recommend sticking with Stock for a couple of days as a baseline. I find Stock 4.0.2 to be rock stable and haven't really had any issues. I only flashed a custom kernel to undervolt (Jame Bond kernel) to help with battery life. A lot of people have been raving about 4.0.3 and the associated improvement in batterylife and radio connectivity...but I've also heard of some instabilities with the browser crasing, etc.

I'll probably move to a ROM eventually...but after the official 4.0.3 update is released by VZW.