Droid is not recognized via USB in Windows 7


New Member
Apr 16, 2010
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I've searched this forum and Google for about 3 hours tonight and I can not for the life of me figure out what the problem is.

I got my Droid a week ago and I connected it via USB the day I got it and my PC (Win 7 x64) recognized it and I was able to transfer a file over. I had not tried to connect my Droid to my pc again until tonight when I wanted to try out PDANet. I connected it, dragged the notification bar down, selected the usb storage option and then selected mount. My computer just will not recognize it. I have power cycled both devices, formatted the SD card inside the phone and also under Win 7 by taking the card out and putting it in a card reader. I've also tried connecting while in USB debug mode. Sometimes it "works," and it will show up in explorer, but when I try to access it gives me an error telling me to insert the disc. Is there some driver I'm missing or something? The funny thing is, it works perfectly under OS X. I know I could just take the card out and use a card reader every time I want to transfer files, but that's kind of a pain and if I can just do it via usb I'd much rather do that.

Any help is appreciated.
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It does in my version of Windows 7. Are you mounting the drive so it can be seen in windows explorer?
If by mounting you mean selecting "Mount" after you slide the notification bar and select the USB notification like I mentioned in my first post, then yes.
Youmay have to install drivers from the motorola site. I had to do that when I got my laptop. And my netbook i just bought I had to do it again. Both my netbook and computer are running windows 7.
Wierd... my home PC with W7 x64 works great.. didn't have to load drivers or anything..
When I was testing Win7, both versions had no issue detecting my droid when mounting it.
Its odd to hear as this would be considered a step backwards on Microsoft's part.. but hey it's M$... lol
only real option is try the usb drivers from moto's website. take it a step further and see if a friend who has a droid can connect before installing the drivers.. can't hurt plus it could certainly rule out your phone/comp being the issue.

sidenote for those intersted: no issues with the droid in Linux mint or unbuntu :motdroidhoriz:
It could also be a bad usb port on the computer. Before adding drivers, I'd try connecting to a different usb port.
I recently got a new laptop with Windows 7 and have found that if I connect the Droid to the laptop before opening the program I want to use (like Windows Media Player, for example) the laptop will recognize the Droid. If I open the Windows program and connect the Droid while it's already running, it will not recognize the Droid.

Reminds me of the old days when you would need to connect a projector to a laptop and the order in which you turned things on made all the difference.
I am running a 64 bit version of Win 7 and had no problems when i initially connected to my laptop. My girlfriend has also had no problems with her stock DROID and her own Win 7 laptop.
I downloaded MotoConnect but that doesn't seem to have made any difference. I run the program and let it do its thing but nothing happens. Whenever I connect the Droid via usb, i get a little message from MotoConnect saying 'Checking for Application" but it never does anything.

Also, whenever I connect the Droid I get that little "ding dong" sound in Windows, so it knows something is connected via USB...I just can't see it or access it.

The only thing I haven't tried is Motorola Media Link Software which I am downloading right now.

edit: Just tried Motorola Media Link and it won't recognize my phone either. I also tried swapping the microSD card out of my Blackberry and into the Droid and even after formatting it on the phone I still can't access it via usb. Grrr. I'm going to feel really stupid if this is an easy fix.

I'm going to do a factory reset and see if that solves the issue. If it doesn't, I'm all out of ideas.
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Any news about this? I restored my phone and none of my computers can recognize it. I've also used different OEM cables. I guess I'll return the phone.
sounds just like the problem I'm having.did you ever find out the problem?
Are you going direct to a system port? Or thru a Hub? (Not that that matters, I mount mine thru my hub...)
Do you perchance have USB Debugging enabled on the phone? That will stop Win7 from recognizing the phone as a mass storage device. Turn it off and the phone will be recognized again.