Droid Multimedia Dock + 2.1


New Member
Jan 20, 2010
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So I've noticed that while on the multimedia dock, the screen goes much darker (finally), however the buttons are still lite up. The back, menu, home, search buttons are lite up.

Has anyone else noticed this? Kinda makes it hard to sleep at night with the phone buttons so bright...
haha, then it lights up the wall. there's gotta be a way to have the buttons not light up. :\
I did get them to turn off one night, not sure how though. actually, I think I let my battery die then put it in dock. lights didnt turn on all night. maybe that's the trick! let the battery die before bed time. anyone care to try this out to verify?
ideally, i'd still like to have the clock show up very dimly, but have everything else off.
Download "LEDs Hack" from the market. Works great. You can turn off the LED's while charging or docked. Have to be rooted to use.
ill check out the led hack, but whatabout the buttons?
Well, in another post about 5 minutes ago, someone had a great suggestion. Before you put your phone in the multimedia dock, turn the phone off. As soon as it goes in the cradle the phone will automatically power up (must be plugged into a.c.) and the lights don't come on. I've been complaining about this myself for a long time, but just tried it out, and voila, lights out!

Here's the link to the other thread: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-hacks/18218-button-lights-off-using-multimedia-dock.html
Does the Droid have to go into "dock" mode when its placed in the dock? I like to use a different alarm clock app called Night Clock (which does the same, similar functions, but it does dim everything while plugged in) but was considering getting the dock just so it stood on its side.
I did get them to turn off one night, not sure how though. actually, I think I let my battery die then put it in dock. lights didnt turn on all night. maybe that's the trick! let the battery die before bed time. anyone care to try this out to verify?

If you turn the phone off then put it in the dock it will start back up without the lights...but...if you use the home screen or something they will turn back on, however.
If you turn the phone off then put it in the dock it will start back up without the lights...but...if you use the home screen or something they will turn back on, however.

I just tried this and it works! However, I tried messing around with the home screen while the phone was still in the dock, as Matt3w had mentioned, but the LEDs did not light back up! Seems like a simple fix :)
Does the Droid have to go into "dock" mode when its placed in the dock? I like to use a different alarm clock app called Night Clock (which does the same, similar functions, but it does dim everything while plugged in) but was considering getting the dock just so it stood on its side.

no. it will go into dock mode automatically but then you just hit the on screen home icon and from there you can bring up whatever alarm clock app you want and use that. I have the 2.1 clock installed which is all dimmed as well as the stock 2.0 clock and I can switch between the 2 any time. I like the 2.1 clock way better and you can install it easy without root. search the forum to find the file and process. it's like 4 steps
You can always just pull the little magnet out of the dock. That will prevent it from going into dock mode and you can use your alternate alarm clock app.
I did get them to turn off one night, not sure how though. actually, I think I let my battery die then put it in dock. lights didnt turn on all night. maybe that's the trick! let the battery die before bed time. anyone care to try this out to verify?

My battery died yesterday before I docked it...it was the first time the keys didnt light up.
If you turn the phone off then put it in the dock it will start back up without the lights...but...if you use the home screen or something they will turn back on, however.

I just tried this and it works! However, I tried messing around with the home screen while the phone was still in the dock, as Matt3w had mentioned, but the LEDs did not light back up! Seems like a simple fix :)
I returned mine so I can't say for sure if they fixed that, but usually if you left the alarm screen they came back on.