Droid not auto-splitting and sending multiple SMS messages over 160


Nov 7, 2009
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As it says. My droid, contrary to what some people have said here, does not SEND messages over 160. Ive got handcent sms, and it shows splitting 1, 2, 3 messages while I'm typing, but I tried a test sending to my friends sprint phone, my google voice number, and it only lets the first message get through, with a reminder by verizon about the 160 char limit.

Is there a setting I'm missing, I dont want it to convert to MMS, since some people still don't get unlimited MMS, and I don't want to have to deal with the same crap as with the dare, stopping sending messages at 160 and sending a second one.

Is there an app to automatically do this, or what? There has GOT to be a solution to this.
I'm pretty sure the default behavior is to convert to MMS and not break it up. I can also see how converting to mms would be a problem for some people. Probably short sightedness on their part as Verizon's mms and sms are one in the same.
I'm pretty sure the default behavior is to convert to MMS and not break it up. I can also see how converting to mms would be a problem for some people. Probably short sightedness on their part as Verizon's mms and sms are one in the same.

My phone doesn't even do that.
I've just avoided sending 160+ char messages but I'd like to see a solution for it. When I get some free time, maybe I'll play around with it and see what I can come up with.