Droid or Incredible or keep what I have?

Jun 7, 2010
Reaction score
Bridgeton NJ
I have the devour and I like it. But I have heard that the droid and incredible are very nice and better than the devour. So should i keep what I have or get one of the other two. I can return mine but probably for a restocking fee or something.
Don't commit to a phone until the Moto Xtreme or Droid 2 are released. July/August time frame. By then the HTC Scorpion might be in the news, and by the time it's released the Droid Pro will be in the news. One thing that will narrow down your options is whether or not you want a physical keyboard.
I can not wait that long by than i will be stuck with the devour as I already have it. I want a phyical keyboard but if I can do without it and not make mistakes than I can go that route.
I had the devour before i had the Droid, I didnt like it much. Hated the motoblur.

I suggest going for the incredible if you cant wait.
But I have heard that the droid and incredible are very nice and better than the devour. So should i keep what I have or get one of the other two. I can return mine but probably for a restocking fee or something.
Better is always subjective. Without knowing your needs/wants (every one of these threads is like this for some reason) it's impossible to make a meaningful recommendation. In general, compare the features and specs. Try the options out in person where possible. Better is whatever suits you better.
I use my phone now for, email, face book, texting, some internet but not much uploading pictures and a few other things. I will probably play a fe games now and again but not everyday. I use the phone for business when needed. I have to respond to emails and or posts on car audio forums when needed.