Droid quit


New Member
Dec 30, 2009
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I usually get very good battery life, the phone was fully charged when I got to work. A few hours later I went to hook it up to my pc speakers to listen to music and it was off. It would not turn back on. During my ride home from work, almost an hour, I had it on the car charger and it would not come on nor did it seem to be charging. When I got home I plugged it to the wall charger and it sat for about 2 hours before it came on and began to charge. Any idea of what happen, is there something I need to do?
Is the fuse blown for the plugin in your car? Either that or you need to twist it a bit until it's connected and you see it charging. i have to do that with mine.
even at the house on the wall charger it took about two hours before it came on.
My Droid did this 2 days ago. I thought it was dead too. Left it on the wall charger for a while before it would power on. I found that I had a download in the browser that got stuck and drained my battery.