[h=1]This article credit goes to website enstarz.com
Droid Razr Ice Cream Sandwich Update Release on June 12[/h][h=4]The Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade - Android 4.0.4 - will reportedly be released for the Motorola Droid Razr and Razr Maxx on June 12. According to sources at the usually-reliable CNET, around June 12 will be the date Razr fans can look forward to for receiving the Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade. The site also describes how the release for the Droid Razr was in fact scheduled for last month, but due to a change in the servers responsible for sending out the update the date had to be put back.[/h]
[TD="class: info"]By Sean King, EnStarz | June 7, 2012 10:43 AM EDT | [/TD]
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droid razr, ice cream sandwich, android
Droid Razr | Source:Motorola
The Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade - Android 4.0.4 - will reportedly be released for the Motorola Droid Razr and Razr Maxx on June 12.
According to sources at the usually-reliable CNET, around June 12 will be the date Razr fans can look forward to for receiving the Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade. The site also describes how the release for the Droid Razr was in fact scheduled for last month, but due to a change in the servers responsible for sending out the update the date had to be put back.
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Motorola has released a timetable that promises the Droid Razr to receive an update in Q2 and it appears it will keep that promise with the latest release date news.
Updates are also expected on some of Motorola's other devices including the XOOM WiFi and 3G MZ600 model is scheduled to come out in Q2 also; the Atrix 2 and the Atrix 4G MB860 will likely get the Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade in Q3; the Droid 4 and the Droid Bionic will also have to wait a little longer but can expect the upgrade to come in Q3 also; the Droid Xyboard model owners will also have to wait a few more month until Q3 to receive their updates.
Those scheduled updates were announced prior to Google's acquisition of Motorola Mobility, and so commentators are advising customers of the various devices that some changes to the dates might be made. However, the acquisition should not cause any major disruption or cancellations of the upgrades so all these Android device owners who have been waiting anxiously to get their hands on the Android 4.0 the wait is almost over.
Droid Razr Ice Cream Sandwich Update Release on June 12[/h][h=4]The Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade - Android 4.0.4 - will reportedly be released for the Motorola Droid Razr and Razr Maxx on June 12. According to sources at the usually-reliable CNET, around June 12 will be the date Razr fans can look forward to for receiving the Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade. The site also describes how the release for the Droid Razr was in fact scheduled for last month, but due to a change in the servers responsible for sending out the update the date had to be put back.[/h]
[TD="class: info"]By Sean King, EnStarz | June 7, 2012 10:43 AM EDT | [/TD]
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droid razr, ice cream sandwich, android

Droid Razr | Source:Motorola
The Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade - Android 4.0.4 - will reportedly be released for the Motorola Droid Razr and Razr Maxx on June 12.
According to sources at the usually-reliable CNET, around June 12 will be the date Razr fans can look forward to for receiving the Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade. The site also describes how the release for the Droid Razr was in fact scheduled for last month, but due to a change in the servers responsible for sending out the update the date had to be put back.
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Motorola has released a timetable that promises the Droid Razr to receive an update in Q2 and it appears it will keep that promise with the latest release date news.
Updates are also expected on some of Motorola's other devices including the XOOM WiFi and 3G MZ600 model is scheduled to come out in Q2 also; the Atrix 2 and the Atrix 4G MB860 will likely get the Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade in Q3; the Droid 4 and the Droid Bionic will also have to wait a little longer but can expect the upgrade to come in Q3 also; the Droid Xyboard model owners will also have to wait a few more month until Q3 to receive their updates.
Those scheduled updates were announced prior to Google's acquisition of Motorola Mobility, and so commentators are advising customers of the various devices that some changes to the dates might be made. However, the acquisition should not cause any major disruption or cancellations of the upgrades so all these Android device owners who have been waiting anxiously to get their hands on the Android 4.0 the wait is almost over.