Droid repeats iPod mistake about music gaps


New Member
Jan 10, 2010
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San Francisco
As as new Droid user, I am HUGELY DISAPPOINTED that Droid music players (Music & Meridian) create an audible gap between music tracks even when the sound is supposed to be continuous. This is a big problem for classical music, but also applies to other types of music (e.g., Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon," to cite an old example). The issue is that some CDs come with access points in the midst of a continuous stream of music. These access point are turned into audible breaks on the Droid. The original iPod had the same problem. I don't know the technical details, but the problem was eventually solved on the iPod.

A related problem is that when gaps between tracks are supposed to be heard, the gaps may not be preserved in the Droid playback, which can create a rushed feeling, for example with Lieder recitals.

There really needs to be more user control on the Droid in regard to gaps in music. For some music (e.g., club music), you probably don't want gaps at all, or you want a sleek fade in/fade out. I am happy with the Droid as a phone and internet device, but as a music player, it is a non-starter for someone with a lot of classical CDs. I will have to use Pandora instead.

Does anyone know of a solution to this problem?
Nope, doesn't really seem like a BIG problem either...for a phone. :)

No offense of course. Just me personally..don't think it's a major problem that needs to be addressed any time soon.
umm. no gaps for me. did you apply the 2.0.1 update? I have 2.1 on mine but i don't have any sound gaps. Sorry.
The music player needs work, but it's not a major issue. Plus the iPhone has had 3 years to correct issues, Droid is going on 3 months :)
The music player needs work, but it's not a major issue. Plus the iPhone has had 3 years to correct issues, Droid is going on 3 months :)
not only does the iphone have several generations, a huge user base, big apple and lots of experience, but it also has ipod experience to fall back on.

it's not like motorola/google was ever considered a viable option as an mp3 player.

someone might develop a music player that's better than the stock one. the best thing about android is the ability to replace/use other apps than what's loaded by default.
The music player needs work, but it's not a major issue. Plus the iPhone has had 3 years to correct issues, Droid is going on 3 months :)
not only does the iphone have several generations, a huge user base, big apple and lots of experience, but it also has ipod experience to fall back on.

it's not like motorola/google was ever considered a viable option as an mp3 player.

someone might develop a music player that's better than the stock one. the best thing about android is the ability to replace/use other apps than what's loaded by default.
This is true, the iPhone evolved from the iPod... which is a dedicated music player. Android has no such background. So it's understandable it'll take some time for their 'music player' to evolve.
I definitely notice the gaps but have no choice but to cringe and deal with it. As mentioned it's quite annoying on Dark Side and Wish You Were Here. I also listen to a lot of Jarre stuff and it gets quite annoying there too, especially on live concert material. I hope this is addressed at some point, but I'm not holding my breath (nor would I consider this a deal breaker).
How long are these gaps? I ask because the gap-less play "fix" for iPod rendered several hundred/1000s of hours of MP3s useless. The conversion of 40+ tears of LPs and CDs. Luckily I keep a backup HD of all of my music.
On the Contrary

Well, I did not expect a $560 pocket computer/phone/music player to have this sort of flaw. Especially since it is a flaw that was identified years ago in the music player product space. For me it was an exasperating déjà vu.

I don't want to carry a second device for music. Until the flaw is fixed, I will have to avoid certain albums on my Droid.

I realize that some Droid users won't encounter the problem because of the type of music they like. But the flaw affects some of the music I like.

I am running 2.0.1. If the problem is fixed in the 2.1 update, that will be great.

Of course new products of such complexity will have some glitches. I was just unhappy to see an old problem crop up in a new device. Anyway, the Droid is already very good, and I expect it will get better. I'm glad I bought one.
Bob: I'm with you on this one. I used to HATE this back in the day and it is definitely disappointing that Motorola didn't think of it, but like people above said, there's plenty of time ahead for someone to fix it.

I think it was during my 1st Gen Nano days that I would just take all the mp3s and make them into one big file, e.g. I combined all my Dark Side of the Moon mp3s into one big file. If that's not too much work for you, you may want to download a free mp3 editing program called Audacity and just combine all the mp3s into one big file for your Droid. And of course you want to keep your individual mp3s as well, so just export your new product as a new mp3.

Audacity: Free Audio Editor and Recorder

You will also want the mp3 encoder.

Audacity: How do I download and install the LAME MP3 encoder?
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@Houndstooth - Thanks for the Audacity idea. I wouldn't have thought of that. I've had Audacity on my Mac for quite awhile but haven't gotten around to using it. I just checked, & I do have the LAME library on my system. However, since my usual way of loading music is to rip my CDs into iTunes using AAC format, I will see if I can do what you suggest, but use AAC instead. I'll wait to try this until my Droid is updated to 2.1, to see if the problem has been fixed as indicated by naman919's comment.
Gaps, what are we talking about?

Will someone explain to me just what are these gaps people talking about? Are they the second or so between tunes like on the old LPs?

I do know that Apples "fix" rendered useless the 100 or so CDs I converted to MP3 before I got an iPod. All worked fine with my Creative MP3 player. On the iPod they would start and then skip to the next MP3 and on and on and on..... :mad:
Will someone explain to me just what are these gaps people talking about? Are they the second or so between tunes like on the old LPs?

I do know that Apples "fix" rendered useless the 100 or so CDs I converted to MP3 before I got an iPod. All worked fine with my Creative MP3 player. On the iPod they would start and then skip to the next MP3 and on and on and on..... :mad:
I'm not getting any 'skips' either. I don't see the issue.... is it because I don't listen to classical music? (serious question)
What kind of music does this affect? Classical is basically the only thing I haven't tried...
Well, I haven't experience it myself on my Droid since I mostly use it for movies, but like I said, this was a really big pet peeve of mine in the old days. If you've ever listened to Dark Side of the Moon, you know that some songs don't stop, they just transition into the other during a slower part.
Well, I haven't experience it myself on my Droid since I mostly use it for movies, but like I said, this was a really big pet peeve of mine in the old days. If you've ever listened to Dark Side of the Moon, you know that some songs don't stop, they just transition into the other during a slower part.
Oh... ok. Now I know what you're all talking about.
This is no biggie to me... as I burn my own CDs, and Nero gives you the option to add the pause or completely remove it.

btw... anyone watch "The Wizard of OZ" and listen to Dark Side of the Moon simultaneously? (Start the CD after the 3rd lion roar, right before the actual movie starts :)) It is dead nutz synced to the movie!