Droid Sync Notification--Too Many Contacts Deletes?


New Member
Apr 25, 2010
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I recently got the Droid Eris and synced it with my gmail account. I have many contacts on my gmail account that I'd like to keep, but don't necessarily want as a contact on my phone. I manually deleted 213 meaningless contacts and now I get an ongoing notification 'Delete Limit Exceeded'. I called the company and they said I have to delete the application, delete the contacts on my gmail account, and then reinstall the application. I don't want the contacts deleted from my account, however, I just don't want them on my phone.

Is there any way to fix this without getting that notification every second?
I'm going to assume there's nothing unique about the Eris in this regard. Apologies if that's not true.

It appears you're running up against one of the most basic features of the android-google connection; the synchronization between the online gmail contacts and your phone. As far as I know there's no "do not sync" attribute that can be set on a google contact. So you might try the following.

Export your current contact list from google (online) to a csv file where it can be loaded into a spreadsheet or other application. Then go through the list and eliminate all contacts except those you want to maintain only on your computer. You can then import that reduced list into some other application (e.g. Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.). Or if you want to keep that list on google, set up another google gmail account that is not linked to your phone.