Droid to ipod touch


New Member
Jul 6, 2011
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So i have a Droid x2 and an ipod touch, when i go to the gym i use the ipod touch to listen to music.
I leave my droid in the car. Is there an app to send my text messages from my droid x2 to my ipod touch. My droid is of course on 3g and my ipod touch would have wifi, I could also put my droid on wifi from the car if that would help. Even if its one way only that would be cool, but being able to respond via the ipod touch would be even better.

I dont even care if it auto sends the text to an email then i refresh my email on the ipod touch. That could work i guess.

My ipod touch is jailbroken and my droid x2 could be rooted if need be.

will deff check this out! thanks.

no luck on responding tho.... i better get developing.
Koush from ClockworkMod tweeted this 2 days ago:

@Clockworkmod Koushik Dutta
Thinking about writing an app that forwards your SMS to email, and let's you reply via email. Thoughts?
9 Jul

This would allow texting from tablets and ipods.
If you've got an app that will forward txt to your email.. depending on what carrier they are on, such as verizon.. you can email someone at their phone number @vzwtxt.com or their#@vzwpix.com and it goes through to their phone as a txt or sms message.
How far is your car from the gym? You might want to verify that WiFi's a practical option first.