Ok so here is what has happened so far and looking to see if anyone knows what i should/need to do. This morning my wife was looking at my phone and spilled a little coffee on it. Really it was a few drops but it must have found its way through the cracks. It worked for 15 minutes but i started noticing the keyboard would not come up and then in the middle of a phone call it dies completely without warning. Tried rebboting and nothing. Tried getting into CW and nothing. i plugged it in the the charger and it would blink the boot screen and would not show it charging. Oh before i did any of this and after the coffee was spilled i wiped it down and shut the phone off to clean any liquid. So after trying to turn it on i took it apart to see if there was coffee anywhere and nothing but i cleaned it the best i could. So it has been now 7 hours and it still is not working.
What im now wondering is 2 fold. 1. is there anything else i can do and 2 if not should i call verizon and see about my insurance and what they can do. Should i let them know liquid got on it or should i say i dropped it. Kinda in the dark on this as i have never had to work with insurance before.
Thanks for any and all help
What im now wondering is 2 fold. 1. is there anything else i can do and 2 if not should i call verizon and see about my insurance and what they can do. Should i let them know liquid got on it or should i say i dropped it. Kinda in the dark on this as i have never had to work with insurance before.
Thanks for any and all help